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Bending over backwards for people who wouldn't even lift a finger for you gets old after a while  (Over Quotes) Words can't describe the way I feel about you. So why don't you come over so I can show you!  (Over Quotes) The amount of control you have over somebody if you can monitor internet activity is amazing  (Over Quotes) Just when I thought I was over you, you just had to go and talk to me  (Over Quotes) I'm not crying over what you said, it's what you didn't say that hurts the most  (Over Quotes) Who believe more firmly in the Devil than in God are always afraid that if they let go, the Devil will take over first, unaware that not having let go is the Devil already in full control  (Over Quotes) That morning she pours teacher's over my belly and licks it off. That afternoon she tries to jump out the window  (Over Quotes) Every great or even every very good writer makes the world over according to his own specifications  (Over Quotes) She absorbed the terror and beauty of him and his world. Of every moment over the past days. All of it, filling her up like the first breath she'd ever taken. And never had she loved life more  (Over Quotes) His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal's armpit  (Over Quotes) Perry's hand settled on her hip, his grip firm. She felt his kiss settle into something deeper as his mouth moved with more urgency over hers. Suddenly there was more heat between them  (Over Quotes) The past is unclear. It's as if there is a film over those early years. I can't even be sure that the things I remember happening really happened to me  (Over Quotes) Real liberation comes not from glossing over or repressing painful states of feeling, but only from experiencing them to the full  (Over Quotes) A creative person has little power over his own life. He is not free. He is captive and driven by his daimon  (Over Quotes) When you are up against a wall, put down roots like a tree, until clarity comes from deeper sources to see over that wall and grow  (Over Quotes) He would have lived countless times over the life of the individual, of the family, tribe and people, and he would possess the living sense of the rhythm of growth, flowering and decay  (Over Quotes) When a girl cries over a guy, she really loves him. when a guy cries over a girl, he will never love another girl like her  (Over Quotes) Maybe I could just james bond my way down the cable if I draped the scarf over it, clinging to the ends as my body careened down it to safety - careened. what an ugly word that was  (Over Quotes) I've wanted you since the moment you tried to run me over. You are unlike any woman I have met before. You are strong, and courageous, and you do not suffer fools  (Over Quotes) Your life can end in a flash before you even have time to know it's over. There is no safe. There is no control  (Over Quotes) Fact #1 Mean people suck. Fact #2 Bad things happen to good people. Fact #3 Good doesn't always prevail over evil  (Over Quotes) Getting dumped is crazy times. Like … what? You're supposed to instantly turn off all your emotions just because he says it's over? You're supposed to go on with your life like nothing happened?  (Over Quotes) I used to be a little boy so old in my shoes and what I choose is my choice what's a boy supposed to do? the killer in me is the killer in you my love I send this smile over to you  (Over Quotes) We had to go back to the coffeehouse: the Wreck was there. Mel had walked over. Well, I don't know about walked. He had come over without vehicular assistance anyway  (Over Quotes) To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age  (Over Quotes) Life at the greatest and best is but a froward child, that must be humored and coaxed a little till it falls asleep, and then all the care is over  (Over Quotes) A traveler of taste will notice that the wise are polite all over the world, but the fool only at home  (Over Quotes) The first time I read an excellent book, it is to me just as if I had gained a new friend. When I read a book over I have perused before, it resembles the meeting with an old one  (Over Quotes) Given the right experimental manipulations, people can be led to believe that they consciously intended an action when they neither chose it nor had control over their movements  (Over Quotes) His broomish mustache hung over most of his mouth and was always littered with remnants of his last meal. Not crumbs. Enough to qualify as leftovers  (Over Quotes)
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