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I'll take an earnest person over a hip person any time, because hip is short term. Earnest is long term  (Over Quotes) But you can't truly hate a man without loving him first, and there's always a trace of that love left over  (Over Quotes) I look back over my shoulder and feel the presence of an intense young girl and then a volatile and disturbed young woman, both with high dreams and restless, romantic aspirations  (Over Quotes) The lowly squabble over trifles. The great wage secret wars for power and wealth, and they call it government. Wars of words, and tricks, and guile, but no less bloody for that  (Over Quotes) Names turned over by time, like the plough turning the soil. Bringing up the new while the old were buried in the mud  (Over Quotes) Round and round in circles we go, clutching at successes we never grasp, endlessly tripping over the same old failures. Truly, life is the misery we endure between disappointments  (Over Quotes) But I guess it never is what you worry over that comes to pass in the end. The real catastrophes are always different - unimagined, unprepared for, unknown  (Over Quotes) It never is what you worry over that comes to pass in the end. The real catastrophes are always different - unimagined, unprepared for, unknown  (Over Quotes) I lay in bed at night crying to myself. The only one who loved me and watched over me was someone I couldn't see or hear or touch  (Over Quotes) When all of this is over, no matter which one of us wins, I will not let you go so easily. Agreed?  (Over Quotes) She let him go once. Every day demands that she release him over and over again. She clenches her fists and thinks, Will he find me again? And she tells herself, No. Don't want this. Let him go  (Over Quotes) Never anger a sci-fi writer. These people destroy entire planets over lunch. Imagine what they'll do to you  (Over Quotes) I began to know that each morning reasserted the problems of night before, that sleep suspended all but changed nothing, that you couldn't make yourself over between dawn and dusk  (Over Quotes) He knelt by the bed and bent over her, draining their last moment to its lees; and in the silence there passed between them the word which made all clear  (Over Quotes) Unless the power of the corporation can be organized on an accepted principle of legitimacy, it will... Be taken over by a central government  (Over Quotes) We need energy, commitment, and courage not to run from our life nor to cover it over with any philosophy - material or spiritual  (Over Quotes) We must look at ourselves over and over again in order to learn to love, to discover what has kept our hearts closed, and what it means to allow our hearts to open  (Over Quotes) The things that had filled his days seemed now like a nursery parody of life, or like the wrangles of medieval schoolmen over metaphysical terms that nobody had ever understood  (Over Quotes) We, of course, have the power of hindsight in our arsenal, but people living in Berlin in that era didn't. What would that have been like as this darkness fell over Germany?  (Over Quotes) Sometimes life takes hold of one, carries the body along, accomplishes one's history, and yet is not real, but leaves oneself as it were slurred over  (Over Quotes) Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again  (Over Quotes) In hell there is no other punishment than to begin over and over again the tasks left unfinished in your lifetime  (Over Quotes) But can one still make resolutions when one is over forty? I live according to twenty year old habits  (Over Quotes) They lived freely among the students, they argued with the men over philosophical, sociological and artistic matters, they were just as good as the men themselves: only better, since they were women  (Over Quotes) Who would ever know the greater graces of comfort and perseverance, mercy and forgiveness, patience and courage, if no shadows fell over a life?  (Over Quotes) Whatever life may be, and whatever horror men have made of it, the world is a lovely place, something to marvel over. The world is an amazing place  (Over Quotes) Whatever life may be, and whatever horror men have made of it, the world is a lovely place, a magic place, something to marvel over. The world is an amazing place  (Over Quotes) A man of over thirty might be held to be at the height of his powers, but not necessarily of his wisdom  (Over Quotes) It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it  (Over Quotes) Seated opposite me in the railway carriage, the elderly lady in the fox - fur shawl was recalling some of the murders that she had committed over the years  (Over Quotes)
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