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Don't stress over something you can't change  (Over Quotes) Don't stress over anything that you can't change  (Over Quotes) If it's over, then don't let it mess up everything that's still left to come  (Over Quotes) I'll take waiting over settling any day of the week  (Over Quotes) How do you get over being cheated on when you're still in love with him?  (Over Quotes) Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads  (Over Quotes) For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity  (Over Quotes) Men won't read any email from a woman that's over 200 words long  (Over Quotes) Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day  (Over Quotes) Every man over forty is a scoundrel  (Over Quotes) For many people religion can be so easy they stumble right over it  (Over Quotes) Hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment  (Over Quotes) You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership  (Over Quotes) For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community  (Over Quotes) To jump over centuries In one step is impossible. Jump too high or far, You'll be way too late  (Over Quotes) Don't do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work  (Over Quotes) Don't talk for five minutes, there's a good chap! I've a strange feeling come over me - almost as if I were going to think!  (Over Quotes) I looked over at her; if women knew how good they looked in the dash light of oversized pickup trucks, they'd never get out of them  (Over Quotes) The York magicians had all looked over the letter and expressed their doubts that any body with such small handwriting could ever make a tolerable magician  (Over Quotes) When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending  (Over Quotes) The country is like a great sponge-it finally absorbs you. Eventually you will get malaria or you will get dysentery and whatever you do, if you don't keep doing it, the jungle will grow over you. Black or white, you've got to fight it every minute of the day  (Over Quotes) My father had been disgusted and heartsick over the fact that I wanted to act. Thought it a silly profession closely allied to street-walking.  (Over Quotes) There is no point in expending good money on the pursuit of an engine that can power aircraft without propellers. What is wrong with airships anyway? They have borne mankind aloft for over a hundred relatively accident-free years and I see no reason to impugn their popularity  (Over Quotes) He had found that all snails have the capacity to do over one hundred miles per hour and find their way to a given location with pinpoint accuracy, but didn't because they were horribly lazy and couldn't be bothered  (Over Quotes) Why slap them on the wrist with feather when you can belt them over the head with a sledgehammer  (Over Quotes) A loving Personality dominates the Bible, walking among the trees of the garden and breathing fragrance over every scene  (Over Quotes) They keep an eye on forgery, illegal dealing and overtly free thespian interpretations. The actor in with them was Graham Huxtable. He was putting on a felonious one-man performance of Twelfth Night. Persistent offender. He'll be fined and bound over. His Malvolio is truly frightful  (Over Quotes) In these waters, I was well in over my head, but still, determined to swim like a dog tossed off the end of a pier  (Over Quotes) The director is simply the audience. So the terrible burden of the director is to take the place of that yawning vacuum, to be the audience and to select from what happens during the day which movement shall be a disaster and which a gala night. His job is to preside over accidents  (Over Quotes) Now, glancing over at Feely as she knelt with her eyes closed, her fingertips touching and pointed to Heaven, and her lips shaping soft words of devotion, I had to pinch myself to keep in mind that I was sitting next to the Devil's Hairball  (Over Quotes)
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