Overly Quotes

Text Quotes
I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long (Overly Quotes)
I try not to be overly literal. When I’m writing songs, I write down a lot of words, and then I try to simplify it. I like to give people hints or words that make visual pictures for them (Overly Quotes)
I’ve been in showbusiness all my life, but as an actress I have never been overly driven (Overly Quotes)
I’m not an overly ambitious person; I don’t feel like I have to excel (Overly Quotes)
Not to get overly psychological about this, but it’s probably why I became an actress in the first place: for that kind of freedom and refuge, as well as for the fact that I just love acting so much (Overly Quotes)
I’ve always been a very passionate, sometimes overly emotional person. Sometimes things affect me more than they should (Overly Quotes)
Hey, we’ve all got problems, chum. I’m overly talkative. You look like a field of buttercups in a suit (Overly Quotes)
In meditation take care not to impose anything on the mind, or to tax it. When you meditate there should be no effort to control, and no attempt to be peaceful. Don’t be overly solemn or feel that you are taking part in some special ritual; let go even of the idea that you are meditating. Let your body remain as it is, your breath as you find it, and remain in your natural condition of unchanging pure awareness (Overly Quotes)
I’m not exceptionally fast or overly powerful. But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter (Overly Quotes)
Measurement has too often been the leitmotif of many investigations rather than the experimental examination of hypotheses. Mounds of data are collected, which are statistically decorous and methodologically unimpeachable, but conclusions are often trivial and rarely useful in decision making. This results from an overly rigorous control of an insignificant variable and a widespread deficiency in the framing of pertinent questions. Investigators seem to have settled for what is measurable instead of measuring what they would really like to know (Overly Quotes)
My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize (Overly Quotes)
If you just tell the story of what the storys about, then it sparks curiosity, but I think it also arouses suspicion, as you say, that it could be overly sentimental. But it so isnt. And I think it was all about doing the inner work and then underplaying everything (Overly Quotes)
I reject the idea that humans are superior to other life forms... Man is just an ape with an overly developed sense of superiority (Overly Quotes)
... if you wanted to chart new territories and head off over the horizon, you had to make sure you weren’t overly influenced by what others were doing... so it didn’t matter what other bands were doing... we did what we were doing (Overly Quotes)
All my favorite establishments were either overly crowded or pathetically empty. People either sipped fine vintages in celebration or gulped intoxicants of who cares what kind, drowning themselves in a lack of moderation, raising a glass to lower inhibitions, imbibing spirits to raise their own (Overly Quotes)
Good girls don’t hurt other people’s feelings. Good girls are not overly aggressive, competitive, or boastful. Good girls please others. But what good girls are good for is another question (Overly Quotes)
Be brave and clear. Follow your heart and don’t be overly influenced by outside factors. Be true to yourself (Overly Quotes)
In a perfect world we don’t want to be overly dependent on any single asset or be so dependent on the cycle or where one asset is the bulk of this company (Overly Quotes)
I’m really interested in social justice, and if an artist has a certain power of being heard and voicing something important, it’s right to do it. It could still be done in such a way that it’s not aggressive or overly didactic. I’m trying to find that form (Overly Quotes)
It is not unnatural nor should it overly concern you that you feel the need for a change. The mistake most people make when they begin to feel this way is to ignore the voice that is telling them to stop and listen (Overly Quotes)
I never want to play a show where it feels overly programmed, processed, and all that. For anybody that comes to one of our shows, the goal for me is to make sure that’s their show. That nobody else is going to see that show ever again. You know what I mean? I try to make it different every day (Overly Quotes)
I tend to be the type who is overly polite and sort of ingratiating to other people (Overly Quotes)
I find when I’m overly concerned about what I eat, I stress out my body and put on weight (Overly Quotes)
Neocons do not feel that kind of alarm or anxiety about the growth of the state in the past century, seeing it as natural, indeed inevitable... People have always preferred strong government to weak government, although they certainly have no liking for anything that smacks of overly intrusive government (Overly Quotes)
I don’t try to kind of go for the overly sympathetic. I don’t really like sympathy; I don’t like it for myself. Sometimes sympathy you feel like, you’re kind of trying to victimize someone (Overly Quotes)
Demons frighten us because we set ourselves up to be frightened. We are overly attached to our reputations and possessions. When we love and desire what we should be rejecting, we are in conflict with our true selves. That’s when the negative energies catch us and use our weapons against us. Instead of taking up what we have to defend ourselves, we put our swords in the hands of our enemies and make them attack us (Overly Quotes)
My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules... That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids (Overly Quotes)
I’ve not often been a man of many words. I’ve never considered myself to be overly articulate. I do feel more comfortable acting something out than I do explaining something or whatever (Overly Quotes)
The thing I like least about being famous is being overly scrutinized for everything I say and do (Overly Quotes)
The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith (Overly Quotes)