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Oversensitive Quotes

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I think to be oversensitive about cliches is like being oversensitive about table manners  (Oversensitive Quotes) I was a different kind of kid, oversensitive and all that  (Oversensitive Quotes) Who knows what oversensitive is, considering all there is to be sensitive to  (Oversensitive Quotes) If you have been sunned through and through like an apricot on a wall from your earliest days, you are oversensitive to any withdrawal of heat  (Oversensitive Quotes) It is also the fate of leadership to be misunderstood. It is a grave error for any leader to be oversensitive in the face of criticism, to conduct discussions as if he or she is a schoolmaster talking to less informed and inexperienced learners  (Oversensitive Quotes) It is a grave error for any leader to be oversensitive in the face of criticism  (Oversensitive Quotes) No one ever pruned me. If you have been sunned through and through like an apricot on a wall from your earliest days, you are oversensitive to any withdrawal of heat  (Oversensitive Quotes) I am not altogether confident of my ability to put my thoughts into words: My texts are usually better after an editor has hacked away at them, and I am used to both editing and being edited. Which is to say that I am not oversensitive in such matters  (Oversensitive Quotes) With a chemical alarm, you’re going to build one that is oversensitive because you would rather the alarm go off and give you a false alarm than to err on the other side.  (Oversensitive Quotes) The corporation that shrinks from the light would have anything to fear from government. About the welfare of such corporations we need not be oversensitive.  (Oversensitive Quotes)