Owe Quotes

Text Quotes
We owe it to our children to be better stewards of the environment. The alternative? - a world without whales. It’s too terrible to imagine (Owe Quotes)
And to Shakespeare I owe my vision of the world as a theater, wherein all humans are acting out their parts (Owe Quotes)
We owe a lot to the Internet, for introducing people to technology and virtual space and what not (Owe Quotes)
The stomach begs and clamors, and listens to no precepts. And yet it is not an obdurate creditor; for it is dismissed with small payment if you give it only what you owe, and not as much as you can (Owe Quotes)
If your heart, head and gut are telling you the same thing, then you owe it to yourself to chase it (Owe Quotes)
What a blessing this smoking is! Perhaps the greatest that we owe to the discovery of America (Owe Quotes)
I owe no explanations for my flaws. I don’t have to justify my mistakes, my past, or my insecurities. I am growing and learning. Let me live (Owe Quotes)
We owe our present happiness and prosperity, which has never been equalled in the annals of mankind, to a mixture of monarchical government (Owe Quotes)
You don’t owe anybody the present other than yourself. Take time for you. Respect yourself and your privacy. Set boundaries (Owe Quotes)
You’re my ex. That means I no longer owe you any answers. Don’t worry about who I’m with now. It’s not you (Owe Quotes)
Questioning the ostensibly unquestionable premises of our way of life is arguably the most urgent of services we owe our fellow humans and ourselves (Owe Quotes)
Many books owe their success to the good memories of their authors and the bad memories of their readers (Owe Quotes)
Making improvements to our background check system and cracking down on illegal gun trafficking are common-sense ways to prevent violence without punishing law abiding gun owners. We owe it to the American people to take real action to reduce gun violence in our communities (Owe Quotes)
I feel like I owe it to the readers to try to pull back the veil and give them the honest version of what’s going on. But it’s not more fun. If Obama, as he does sometimes already, gets a little snippy with me about something I’ve written, you’re thinking, ‘Oh God, the president of the United States is already annoyed with me.’ (Owe Quotes)
I owe my dogs much - more than I can say - but they are not my ‘companions’ - as if we voluntarily chose to hang out together but none of us has authority over the others. I bought and/or acquired them. I own them. I am profoundly responsible for their care and well being (Owe Quotes)
We owe every student in every neighborhood in New Jersey an equal opportunity to succeed. We know that more money, alone, is not the answer. We need to redefine success, and how we pursue that success, by the outcomes obtained by students (Owe Quotes)
The only good thing that we owe to Plato and Aristotle is that they brought forward many arguments which we can use against the heretics. Yet they and other philosophers are now in hell (Owe Quotes)
I’m pretty blessed when it comes to clear skin. I owe that to being Cape Verdian. My whole family has great skin. My grandfather is 80 but doesn’t look a day over 50. And we all love the sun, too, so blessed is an understatement! (Owe Quotes)
I feel like I owe Juilliard everything... coming from Kentucky at age 17, having a school like that giving me a chance. And if you can’t afford it, you can get a scholarship (Owe Quotes)
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who serve or have served in our countrys military, as well as to the families of those individuals. Whether protecting our freedoms in foreign fields or making contributions here at home, the value these men and women bring to the American workforce and our way of life is beyond measure (Owe Quotes)
My mom was an enthusiastic, positive, glass-is-half-full type of person and that is how I live my life and I owe that to her. She was an amazing woman (Owe Quotes)
What we owe future generations is the subject of growing debate by economists, philosophers, ethicists, public policymakers, and academics of all stripes. But for me as a mother, the moral implications are very clear. We owe them clean air and fresh water, a healthy planet and a secure future (Owe Quotes)
I was a witness to lots of death... Saving a human life was something really, really beautiful... no matter who they are. Not only Israeli people owe me their lives. I guarantee many terrorists, many Palestinian leaders, owe me their lives - or in other words, they owe my Lord their lives (Owe Quotes)
Ever since Sourav became the captain, I do not feel like a youngster in the team any more. Everybody is treated equally and Sourav himself is extremely approachable and a pillar of strength. Sourav stood by me when I was struggling. I owe a great deal to him for standing by me at the most important time. I can’t express my gratitude to him in words (Owe Quotes)
If the biographer gives me credit for being a plodder, he will describe me justly. Anything beyond this will be too much. I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything (Owe Quotes)
[A]ffirmative action in the United States has made blacks. . .who have largely lifted themselves out of poverty, look like people who owe their rise to affirmative action and other government programs. (Owe Quotes)
I, of course, owe everything to my mother, because my father died when I was only nine days of age; and the marvelous teachings, the faith, the integrity of my mother have been an inspiration to me. (Owe Quotes)
But I owe it to the subject to say, that it has long afforded me what philosophy is so often thought, and made, barren of - the fun of discovery, the pleasures of co-operation, and the satisfaction of reaching agreement. (Owe Quotes)
I study children, and they’re my subjects in my studies. They’re my colleagues, really, all these little kids. And I owe them. (Owe Quotes)
As the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him. (Owe Quotes)