P J ORourke Quotes

Text Quotes
Human problems are complex. If something isn’t complex it doesn’t qualify as problematic. Very simple bad things are not worth troubling ourselves about. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Humor is a terrific tool for explaining things, especially when what you’re explaining is frightening or dull and complicated. (P J ORourke Quotes)
America’s public schools have served their purpose. Free and compulsory education was good for a somewhat unpromising young nation. (P J ORourke Quotes)
The library, with its Daedalian labyrinth, mysterious hush, and faintly ominous aroma of knowledge, has been replaced by the computer’s cheap glow, pesky chirp, and data spillage. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Writing on a computer makes saving what’s been written too easy. Pretentious lead sentences are kept, not tossed. Instead of sitting surrounded by crumpled paper, the computerized writer has his mistakes neatly stored in digital memory. (P J ORourke Quotes)
The Communist bloc of old was a study in the failure of failure. Losers in the Soviet economy were the people at the end of the long lines for consumer goods. Worse losers were the people who had spent hours getting to the head of the line, only to be told that the goods were unavailable. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Maybe a vague president and an incompetent and somewhat corrupt administration is what the nation needs. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Everybody with a gun has a checkpoint in Lebanon. And in Lebanon, you’d be crazy not to have a gun. Though, I assure you, all the crazy people have guns, too. (P J ORourke Quotes)
The motorcycle is a device created by the team of God and Darwin to rid the world of useless young males. (P J ORourke Quotes)
I don’t think anybody’s really been successful with theorizing about value or creating a price theory. (P J ORourke Quotes)
I like fiction and the kind of history that gives the grace and flavor of fiction to the past. No bloviation on current events, please. I can write that junk myself. (P J ORourke Quotes)
My dad died when I was young; my mom remarried with more haste than sense to a fellow... he wasn’t evil or anything, but he was worthless. (P J ORourke Quotes)
No industry in living memory has collapsed faster than daily print journalism (P J ORourke Quotes)
I don’t watch much television. Yeah, that’s pretty funny. I don’t know where The Daily Show stand politically, do you? (P J ORourke Quotes)
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please (P J ORourke Quotes)
Everything that’s fun in life is dangerous. And everything that isn’t fun is dangerous too. It’s impossible to be alive and safe. (P J ORourke Quotes)
A deadly sins addendum is long overdue. Life has changed since Pope Gregory the Great scribbled his initial list in the sixth century. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Passover is my idea of a perfect holiday. Dear God, when you’re handing out plagues of darkness, locusts, hail, boils, flies, lice, frogs, and cattle murrain, and turning the Nile to blood and smiting the firstborn, give me a pass. And tell me when it’s over. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Politics is - once in a while - a forum for serious debate about political philosophy (P J ORourke Quotes)
People have a right to my food, a right to my housing, and a right to my good job for my decent pay. (P J ORourke Quotes)
That is the really great thing about being an adult male, once you get married and have children the whole decision-making process is taken out of your hands, and I for one am extremely grateful. (P J ORourke Quotes)
You can’t destroy America by destroying our elite. Think about America’s elite. Think about it down through history. Destroy our elite, and about half the time, you’re doing us a favor. (P J ORourke Quotes)
I grew up going to public school, and they were huge public schools. I went to a school that had 3,200 kids, and I had grade school classes with 40-some kids. Discipline was rigid. Most of the learning was rote. It worked. (P J ORourke Quotes)
The First Amendment only says ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.’ It can disrespect all it wants. (P J ORourke Quotes)
Adam Smith pointed out that there were three things that make us more prosperous, in a general sort of way: freedom to pursue our own self-interest; specialization, which he called division of labor; and freedom of trade. (P J ORourke Quotes)
The divorce rate in 1946 was higher than it ever had been and as high as it ever would be until the 70s. The reason was that prior relationships had not endured the strain of war. (P J ORourke Quotes)
If you ask the government to solve all of your problems, it’s a bit like asking your wife to cook and clean, to raise the children, to hold down a second job to help with the family finances, to keep her parents happy and well and keep your parents happy and well, and to also - to do the lawn and clean the gutters. (P J ORourke Quotes)
When are the world’s political parties going to get appropriate symbols: snake, louse, jackal, ... trash can, clown face, ... dollar bill with bat wings on it? (P J ORourke Quotes)
Inside every Sancho Panza there’s a Don Quixote struggling to get out (P J ORourke Quotes)
We like to pile language on language. Hunter [ S. Thompson] was an influence on me, no doubt about it. (P J ORourke Quotes)