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That’s what writing is all about, after all, making others see what you have put down on the page and believing that it does, or could, exist and you want to go there.  (Page Quotes) I’m not sure that the benefit - as a writer and as a citizen - that I would get from reading at least the front page of the Times every day or every other day would outweigh the depression.  (Page Quotes) There’s a famous tension between Green Lantern and Green Arrow in the comic books. Those guys have always been friends. They started off as not on the same page, and then they quickly became best friends.  (Page Quotes) Is there anything in the world better than words on the page? Magic signs, the voices of the dead, building blocks to make wonderful worlds better than this one, comforters, companions in loneliness. Keepers of secrets, speakers of the truth...all those glorious words.  (Page Quotes) The voice of Thich Nhat Hanh-friendly, patient, steadfast, confident, contemporary, and often witty-seems, to me, an intermediary big brother talking directly to me on every page saying, ‘Look! It’s right there in you,’ the very wisdom that leads to compassion.  (Page Quotes) You can’t fix a bad script after you start shooting. The problems on the page only get bigger as they move to the big screen.  (Page Quotes) I had a financial page to write in the Mail on Sunday where I’d give tips on shares. I worked there for two and a half years. Nothing compares to the burst of energy felt on a newsroom floor when a big story breaks.  (Page Quotes) Of any guitarist, Jimmy Page was my biggest influence. I wanted to look, think and play like him. Zeppelin had a heavy influence on Rush during our early days. Page’s loose style of playing showed an immense confidence, and there are no rules to his playing.  (Page Quotes) The next Bill Gates will not start an operating system. The next Larry Page won’t start a search engine. The next Mark Zuckerberg won’t start a social network company. If you are copying these people, you are not learning from them.  (Page Quotes) I’m not a painter by any stretch of the imagination; I’m a dyed-in-the-wool traditional illustrator, and I begin with black and white. If I need colour, I add it over the top. There’s a calligraphic element to it... it’s about the texture of lines on the page.  (Page Quotes) Creativity is always a leap of faith. You’re faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.  (Page Quotes) You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.  (Page Quotes) What is it about the blank page that makes me want to hurl myself into a game of solitaire? I ask myself these kinds of questions while I’m playing solitaire.  (Page Quotes) Being an actor all of my life is kind of a collaborative, social form of interpretive art. Sitting down with a blank page every day by yourself is a different feeling.  (Page Quotes) I have a horror of the blank page. I simply cannot write on a blank page or screen. Because once I do, I start to fix it, and I never get past the first sentence.  (Page Quotes) The video maker doesn’t easily face a blank page. Because the videomaker can run it either any way, this way or the other way and erase it if they don’t like it and so on.  (Page Quotes) I still get up every morning at 4 A.M. I write seven days a week, including Christmas. And I still face a blank page every morning, and my characters don’t really care how many books I’ve sold.  (Page Quotes) Never sit staring at a blank page or screen. If you find yourself stuck, write. Write about the scene you’re trying to write. Writing about is easier than writing, and chances are, it will give you your way in.  (Page Quotes) A theatre is not a blank page for editorial, it is not a soapbox or a Tannoy system: it is a conscience that wakes with what is happening in the space, and wakes further still in response to what people are making of it.  (Page Quotes) You are just in the middle of a struggle with words which are really very stubborn things, with a blank page, with the damn thing that you use to write with, a pen or a typewriter, and you forget all about the reader when you are doing that.  (Page Quotes) Writing the first draft of a new story is incredibly difficult for me. I will happily do revisions, because once I can see the words on the page, I can go about ripping them up and moving scenes around. A blank page, though? Terrifying. I’m always angsty when I’m working my way through a first draft.  (Page Quotes) There are a lot of people, who want to be writers, who stumble at a blank page. You could imagine an algorithm that could give writers a first draft or a starter kit, so it could enable people to be more prolific in their writing.  (Page Quotes) Writer’s block.. when one curses the blinking cursor on the blank page.  (Page Quotes) For the first time in my life, my future was a blank page. It was perfect. And beyond scary.  (Page Quotes) In movies, storytelling and every single art form, we’re creating wonder. You’re starting with a blank page and creating something that doesn’t exist.  (Page Quotes) At some point if you’re a professional writer, no matter what, it always comes down to you staring at the blank page by yourself.  (Page Quotes) When I’m the one who sits down and looks at the blank page and writes it out all the way, then I’ll call it my script.  (Page Quotes) Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.  (Page Quotes) It’s her ability as an artist to see possibility where others see a blank page and, by extension, to see victory where others see certain defeat that truly empowers her...  (Page Quotes) By the time I sit down and face the blank page I am raring to go. I tell it as if I’m talking to my best friend or one of my grandchildren.  (Page Quotes)
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