Pain Quotes

Text Quotes
Pain is beyond reason, an obliterating giant stupidity to which all your history of jokes and nuance and ideas and caresses is nothing, simply nothing (Pain Quotes)
Pain is such an uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoyment (Pain Quotes)
She didn't give a damn about some of them, but she had grown to learn that inattention can be a stratagem to avoid pain, and that it is often misread as shallowness and indifference (Pain Quotes)
I hope and hoping feeds my pain I weep and weeping feeds my failing heart I laugh but the laughter does not pass within I burn but the burning makes no mark outside (Pain Quotes)
Love! Who ever said that love made the world go round? Love was a killing pain, an addiction that had to be fed; yet even in her pain she knew that she wouldn't have it any other way (Pain Quotes)
Good steel bends, but never breaks. Good steel stays always sharp and ready. Good steel feels no pain, no pity, and above all, no remorse (Pain Quotes)
What greater pain could mortals have than this: To see their children dead before their eyes? (Pain Quotes)
Some part of me instinctively reached out, and in an odd way understood this pain, never imagining that I would someday look in the mirror and see their sadness and insanity in my own eyes (Pain Quotes)
I had been simply treating water, settling on surviving and avoiding pain rather than being actively involved in seeking out life (Pain Quotes)
An open mind is like to an open wound. Vulnerable to poison. Liable to fester. Apt to give its owner only pain (Pain Quotes)
The end is the beginning of all things, suppressed and hidden, awaiting to be released through the rhythm of pain and pleasure (Pain Quotes)
You believe you could not live with the pain. Such pain is not lived with. It is only endured. I am sorry (Pain Quotes)
I wonder, among all the tangles of this mortal coil, which one contains tighter knots to undo, and consequently suggests more tugging, and pain, and diversified elements of misery, than the marriage tie (Pain Quotes)
There is an element of play that is almost ritualistic in black folk life. It serves to mediate the tensions, stress, and pain of constant exploitation and oppression (Pain Quotes)
Make up your mind to the prospect of sustaining a certain measure of pain and trouble in your passage through life. By the blessing of God this will prepare you for it (Pain Quotes)
The practice of love offers no place of safety. We risk loss, hurt, pain. We risk being acted upon by forces outside our control (Pain Quotes)
But forgiveness is the act of not putting anyone out of your heart, even those who are acting out of deep ignorance or out of confusion and pain (Pain Quotes)
I was starting to come to grips with the fact that I had created a lot of pain and suffering around me, not just within me (Pain Quotes)
It was like something lurking in the darkness within him... There is remained in the darkness, the great pain, tearing him at times, and then being silent (Pain Quotes)
take the pain that is given, give thanks for it, and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness (Pain Quotes)
Joy and pain, they are but two arteries of the one heart that pumps through all those who don't numb themselves to really living (Pain Quotes)
I pity bashful men, who feel the pain of fancied scorn and undeserved disdain, and bear the marks upon a blushing face, of needless shame, and self imposed disgrace (Pain Quotes)
Anybody can preach a sermon on a mount surrounded by daisies. But only one with a gut full of faith can live a sermon on a mountain of pain (Pain Quotes)
Does God guarantee the absence of struggle and the abundance of strength? Not in this life. But he does pledge to reweave your pain for a higher purpose (Pain Quotes)
Pain is the fuel of passion - it energizes us with an intensity to change that we don't normally possess (Pain Quotes)
They fix attention, heedless of your pain, with oaths like rivets forced into the brain; and even when sober truth prevails throughout, they swear it, till affirmance breeds a doubt (Pain Quotes)
The moral nihilism of celebrity culture is played out on reality television shows, most of which encourage a dark voyeurism into other people's humiliation, pain, weakness, and betrayal (Pain Quotes)
World's use is cold, world's love is vain, world's cruelty is bitter bane; but is not the fruit of pain (Pain Quotes)
Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the pain disappears (Pain Quotes)
Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking (Pain Quotes)