Pain Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no pain on this earth like seeing the same woman look at another man the way she once looked at you (Pain Quotes)
Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain (Pain Quotes)
If time stood still, and we could choose the time, the best time, then love without pain would be all I know (Pain Quotes)
Pain will never leave us. Instead of putting energy into destroying pain, we need to put energy into creating pleasure (Pain Quotes)
Dave hung up. And unplugged the phone. With a fierce and bitter pain he stared at it, watching how, over and over again, it didn’t ring (Pain Quotes)
If you accept others as equals, you embrace them unconditionally, now and forever. But if you let them know that you tolerate them, you suggest in the same breath that they are actually an inconvenience, like a nagging pain or an unpleasant odour you are willing to disregard (Pain Quotes)
The brain controls pain. It controls fear. Sleep. Empathy. Hunger. Everything we associate with the heart or the soul or the nervous system is actually controlled by the brain. Everything. What if you could control it? (Pain Quotes)
I’ve always protected myself when it comes to love. And maybe that’s the problem. By not letting myself get hurt now, it ripples into much bigger pain later (Pain Quotes)
The life where nothing was ever unexpected. Or inconvenient. Or unusual. The life without colour, pain or past (Pain Quotes)
I’ve never been shot, but this probably what it feels like, that second of nothingness right before the pain catches up to the bullet (Pain Quotes)
Your face encompasses the beauty of the whole earth. Your lips, as red as ripening fruit, gently part as if in pain. It is the smile of a corpse. Now the hand of death touches life. The chain is forged that links the thousand families that are dead to the thousand generations to come (Pain Quotes)
India has known the innocence and insouciance of childhood, the passion and abandon of youth, and the ripe wisdom of maturity that comes from long experience of pain and pleasure; and over and over a gain she has renewed her childhood and youth and age (Pain Quotes)
Because of our broken instincts we are in pain. We continue in pain because our instincts have been twisted by reason. So, what are we supposed to do? Should we abandon knowledge? Throw away reason? In any event, that wouldn’t be possible. For better or worse, we ate the fruit of knowledge long, long ago (Pain Quotes)
His lips covered hers as he laid the gauze on her leg. Fiery pain shot through her flesh as his lips swallowed her cry, then replaced it with such amazing sensation she wanted to whimper in return. He licked her lips. He didn’t steal her kiss. He didn’t take it. He cajoled it from her (Pain Quotes)
Everyone always wants to know how you can tell when it’s true love, and the answer is this: when the pain doesn’t fade and the scars don’t heal, and it’s too damned late (Pain Quotes)
I understand pain. I’ve lived with pain my entire life. But pain is nothing compared to betrayal. And betrayal is nothing compared to knowing that the javelin in your back was rammed there by the one person in your life you actually trusted (Pain Quotes)
So much harm comes into this world when the wrong thing is said. But that’s nothing compared to the pain from what goes unsaid (Pain Quotes)
... pain reaches a certain point and does not get worse but remains in all its intensity and you can survive it (Pain Quotes)
We are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain. But likewise are we the children of an indifferent universe. We break our own hearts imposing our moral order on what is, by nature, a wide web of chaos (Pain Quotes)
Childhood is such a delicate tissue; what they had done this morning could snag somewhere in the little ones, make a dull, small pain that will circle back again and again, and hurt them in small ways for the rest of their lives (Pain Quotes)
Alexander smoked and watched her from his tree stump bench. What are you doing? she would ask him. Nothing, he would reply. Nothing but growing my pain into madness (Pain Quotes)
Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road (Pain Quotes)
Beyond the pain, life continues to be sweet. The basics are still there. Beauty, food and friendship, reservoirs of love and understanding. Later, possibly not yet, you are going to need others who will encourage you to make new beginnings. Welcome them. They will help you move on, to cherish happy memories and confront the painful ones with more than bitterness and anger (Pain Quotes)
An increasing number of people who lead mental lives of great intensity, people who are sensitive by nature, notice the steadily more frequent appearance in them of mental states of great strangeness... a wordless and irrational feeling of ecstasy; or a breath of psychic pain; a sense of being spoken to from afar, from the sky or the sea; an agonizingly developed sense of hearing which can cause one to wince at the (Pain Quotes)
Closing down in the midst of pain is a denial of a man’s true nature. A superior man is free in feeling and action, even amidst great pain and hurt. If necessary, a man should live with a hurting heart rather than a closed one. He should learn to stay in the wound of pain and act with spontaneous skill and love even from that place (Pain Quotes)
Even though I was young, I could see the pain of the flesh and the worth of the pain (Pain Quotes)
Pain held no terror for him. Pain was, if not friend, then family, something he had grown up with in his crèche, learning to respect but never yield to. Pain was simply a message, telling him which limbs he could still use to slaughter his enemies, how far he could still run, and what his chances were in the next battle (Pain Quotes)
... Sometimes I suspect that what had really happened was that we became more resigned, more cynical, raised our pain thresholds as we lowered our expectations. All in all, settled for less (Pain Quotes)
If I’m away from you for more than an hour, I can’t stop thinking about you. I carry you in my spirit. I pray for you more than I pray for myself... I know you don’t believe in fairy tales. But, if you did, I’d want to be your knight in shining armor. You’ve been through so much. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. Now I may not be able to give you all that your used to. But I do know I can love you past your pain (Pain Quotes)
It was the books I started reading. It was the music I started listening to. It was the television I started watching. I found myself thinking again. I tried to stop because it was only causing pain. I couldn’t. Wen all this is in your head it has to come out into your life. If it doesn’t, you get crushed. I’m not going to get crushed (Pain Quotes)