Pain Quotes

Text Quotes
We are born to live, we are born to understand, we are born to carry a cursed pattern and be transformed by pain (Pain Quotes)
I am conscious that knowing me has caused you pain, and grief, and I hope that one day when you are less angry with me and less upset you will see not just that I could only have done the thing that I did, but also that this will help you live a really good life, a better life, than if you hadn’t met me (Pain Quotes)
Teachings that do not speak of pain have no meaning... because humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return (Pain Quotes)
She told me her father taught her to live life way beyond the cusp of it, way out in the outer reaches where most people never had the guts to go, where you got hurt. Where there was unimaginable beauty and pain... They were always reminding themselves to stop measuring life in coffee spoons, mornings and afternoons, to keep swimming way, way down to the bottom of the ocean to find where the mermaids sang, each to each. Where there was danger and beauty and light. Only the now (Pain Quotes)
In the short term, corporal punishment may produce obedience. But it is a fact documented by research that in the long term the results are inability to learn, violence and rage, bullying, cruelty, inability to feel another’s pain, especially that of one’s own children, even drug addiction and suicide, unless there are enlightened or at least helping witnesses on hand to prevent that development (Pain Quotes)
Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed, but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier (Pain Quotes)
The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy... It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed (Pain Quotes)
A lack of love is the cause for most problems in life, when love is missing, nothing can flourish, only pain thrives (Pain Quotes)
Writing a novel is like making love, but it’s also like having a tooth pulled. Pleasure and pain. Sometimes it’s like making love while having a tooth pulled (Pain Quotes)
Love, the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it, is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being. And we deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise (Pain Quotes)
I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is very deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experiences in a magnificently consistent order, but is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity (Pain Quotes)
I love being the age I am, because if there’s enough pain or grief, I have enough experience now to realize that there’s joy coming around the corner (Pain Quotes)
I could have missed the pain, but I’d have had to miss the dance (Pain Quotes)
The real self of an artiste lies in art, so when an artiste performs, all the pain, trauma and tension get released through art, be it dancing, painting, singing, writing or even martial arts (Pain Quotes)
Let him avoid,the acquisition of wealth and,the gratification of his desires, if they are opposed to the sacred law, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to men (Pain Quotes)
You gotta play the hand that’s dealt you. There may be pain in that hand, but you play it. And I’ve played it (Pain Quotes)
Sometimes what we call love is just a settling of old scores, or a seeking of forbidden pain, or a circuitous path to the kingdom of cruelty, or she may simply have confused lack of capital with heroism while searching for rescue without knowing from what (Pain Quotes)
An athlete experiences the emotions of pain and elation through triumph and defeat, through teamwork and individuality, as nothing more than a human being... that is the true glory of sport (Pain Quotes)
I never feel more alive than when I’m in great pain, struggling against insurmountable odds and untold adversity. Hardship? Suffering? Bring it! (Pain Quotes)
Human life is so full of pain, that once past the youthful delusion that a sad countenance is interesting, and an incurable woe the most delightful thing possible, the mind instinctively turns where it can get rest, and cheer and sunshine. And the friend who can bring to it the largest portion of these is, of a natural necessity, the most useful, the most welcome, and the most dear (Pain Quotes)
Heroes and scholars represent the opposite extremes... The scholar struggles for the benefit of all humanity, sometimes to reduce physical effort, sometimes to reduce pain, and sometimes to postpone death, or at least render it more bearable. In contrast, the patriot sacrifices a rather substantial part of humanity for the sake of his own prestige. His statue is always erected on a pedestal of ruins and corpses... In contrast, all humanity crowns a scholar, love forms the pedestal of his statues, and his triumphs defy the desecration of time and the judgment of history (Pain Quotes)
When I see brokenness, poverty and crime in inner cities, I also see the enormous potential and readiness for transformation and rebirth. We are creating an art form that comes from the heart and reflects the pain and sorrow of people’s lives. It also expresses joy, beauty, and love. This process lays the foundation of building a genuine community in which people are reconnected with their families, sustained by meaningful work, nurtured by the care of each other and will together raise and educate their children. Then we witness social change in action (Pain Quotes)
Overcome any bitterness that may have come because you were not up to the magnitude of the pain entrusted to you. Like the mother of the world who carries the pain of the world in her heart, you are sharing in a certain measure of that cosmic pain, and are called upon to meet it in joy instead of self pity (Pain Quotes)
So what if it’s risky? It’s the right thing to do. What we’re talking about is 160 people in deep pain. It only affects them (Pain Quotes)
Any struggle or pain that you experience just gets you to the top, and you can’t get there without making the climb. A few years later, you won’t remember exactly the way the pain felt or how long it took, you’ll just remember the view from the top. In fact, you might smile at the fact you had to work to get there (Pain Quotes)
I used to be scared of loosing you and it happened just as I had thought. I wonder if you ever feel hurt about having lost the love we had. Do you feel the pain that I feel? (Pain Quotes)
I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain (Pain Quotes)
There’s no way to explain, but all the pleasure is worth all the pain (Pain Quotes)
Goaltending is a suffering position. Your equipment protects you from injury, but not from pain, every time you go out there. And if you allow a goal, the red lights go on for everyone to see. But you get to be a hero too! (Pain Quotes)
I recognize that by saying that I’m deeply sorry, it might not be enough and sufficient to address the pain and the hurt that I have caused you. Therefore, I want to ask for your forgiveness for my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me (Pain Quotes)