Pain Quotes

Text Quotes
A lot of people give up when the world seems to be against them, but that’s the point when you should push a little harder. I use the analogy of running a race. It seems as though you can’t carry on, but if you just get through the pain barrier, you’ll see the end and be okay. Often, just around the corner is where the solution will happen (Pain Quotes)
Healing is not an overnight process; it is a daily cleansing of pain, it is a daily healing of your life (Pain Quotes)
The thing that comes most frequently to me on yoga retreats is excruciating pain in my hips (Pain Quotes)
One thing I have always been is too short. It’s adorable when you’re in junior high. After that, it’s a pain in the ass for the rest of your life (Pain Quotes)
Rid the mind of knowledge when looking for pleasure. Or start thinking and find a lot of pain (Pain Quotes)
Sometimes you must lose everything to gain it again, and the regaining is the sweeter for the pain of loss (Pain Quotes)
Maybe right and wrong did not move, but understanding of them did. The wrenching pain of walking the same path, even for a short space, tore away the willingness to judge (Pain Quotes)
Pain is that last quarter of a mile. You feel it, but when you’re through racing, your whole body just feels elated. So the pain is worth it (Pain Quotes)
In terms of effect on the world, it’s very good that I’ve lived. And so I guess, if I could go back in time and prevent my birth, I wouldn’t do it. But I sure wish I hadn’t had so much pain (Pain Quotes)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian. We feel better about ourselves and better about the animals, knowing we’re not contributing to their pain (Pain Quotes)
You will have a growing knack for gravitating toward wilder, wetter, more interesting problems. More and more, you will be drawn to the kind of gain that doesn’t requite pain. You’ll be so alive and awake that you’ll cheerfully push yourself out of your comfort zone in the direction of your personal frontier well before you’re forced to do so by divine kicks in the ass (Pain Quotes)
If you want to experience all of the successes and pleasure in life, you have to be willing to accept all the pain and failure that comes with it (Pain Quotes)
All liars... lie to protect themselves, to shield their egos from the raw pain of truth (Pain Quotes)
Pain cannot be ignored. However, it can be endured. When necessary, a great deal of pain can be endured. Just ask my mother (Pain Quotes)
Scars heal, glory fades, and all we’re left with are the memories made. pain hurts, but only for a minute. life is short, so go on and live it (Pain Quotes)
When women are seen with pen in hand, they are met immediately with shrieks commanding a return to that life of pain which their writing had interrupted, a life devoted to the women’s work of needle and distaff (Pain Quotes)
We either misdirect or depress great amounts of energy in order to keep ourselves from feeling pain, including what we feel in the moment and being who we are in the moment (Pain Quotes)
Everybody wants happiness, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain (Pain Quotes)
All men and women have passions, natural desires and noble ambitions, and also a conscience; they have sex, hunger, fear, anger, and are subject to sickness, pain, suffering and death. Culture consists of bringing about the expression of these passions and desires in harmony (Pain Quotes)
Male egos require constant stroking. Every task is an achievement, every success epic. That is why women cook, but men are chefs: we make cheese on toast, they produce pain de fromage (Pain Quotes)
To act, you must know pain. You must know what it means to be in love, what it means to be rejected (Pain Quotes)
The pain is bad magicians ripping off good ones, doing magic badly, and making a mockery of the art (Pain Quotes)
I’m choosing to suffer less. To put myself and my family through less pain (Pain Quotes)
Having the choice at the end of my life has become incredibly important. It has given me a sense of peace during a time that otherwise would be dominated by fear, uncertainty and pain (Pain Quotes)
Love is like a lighthouse, a beacon in the dark. When you lose the path that lights your way, you feel that you have died, but I assure you, you have not. You are reaching out for help or you would not have found this page. So red these quotations, allow yourself to feel your pain and cry out your loss and anguish. As you let it go, you will find the strength and courage to put your relationship in perspective and move on (Pain Quotes)
We meditate alone but live our lives with other people; a gap is inevitable. If our path is to lead to less suffering, nd much of our suffering is with other people, then perhaps we need to reexamine our sole commitment to these individual practices... As our individual pracitce deepens, it may yiled true ease. But whether we practice meditation in seclusion or independently alongside other meditators at a meditation group or retreat, individual meditation approaches the confusion and pain of our relational lives only indirectly (Pain Quotes)
Marathoning is like cutting yourself unexpectedly. You dip into the pain so gradually that the damage is done before you are aware of it. Unfortunately, when the awareness comes, it is excruciating (Pain Quotes)
Everone has a pain thermometer that goes from zero to ten. No one will make a change until they reach ten. Nine won’t do it. At nine you are still afraid. Only ten will move you, and when you’re there, you’ll know. No one can make that decision for you (Pain Quotes)
Over the years I have come to believe that life is full of unchosen circumstances, that being human has to do with the evolution of our individual consciousness and with it, responsibilities for choice. Pain and joy both come with life. I believe that how we respond to what happens to us and around us shapes who we become and has to do with the psyche or the soul’s growth (Pain Quotes)
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns (Pain Quotes)