Pain Quotes

Text Quotes
Why have I so little control? It is the case of much waste and pain in my life (Pain Quotes)
We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain both. We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours (Pain Quotes)
When we accept all of life’s contradictions, when we can comfortably flow between the banks of pleasure and pain, experiencing them both while getting stuck in neither, then we are free (Pain Quotes)
We now undertake that we cannot rest while millions of our people suffer the pain and indignity of poverty in all its forms (Pain Quotes)
Pain can make a whole winter bright, like fever, force us to live deep and hard (Pain Quotes)
You’re born in pain and pain is what we’re in most of the time. And I think that the bigger the pain, the more gods we need (Pain Quotes)
Women shouldn’t be burdened by what existed in their past, we should all learn how to turn pain into strength (Pain Quotes)
Most of us know exactly what it is that creates the pain, confusion, stagnation and disruption in our lives. When we find something or someone creating in our lives that which we do not want, we must muster the courage and strength to stop it (Pain Quotes)
When we want to move beyond the pain, when we want to feel better, when we are ready to move beyond where we are, emotionally and spiritually, we must forgive (Pain Quotes)
Fear is the memory of pain. Addiction is the memory of pleasure. Freedom is beyond both (Pain Quotes)
Oh, what a world full of pain we create, for a little taste upon the tongue (Pain Quotes)
When you say or do anything to please, get, keep, influence, or control anyone or anything, fear is the cause and pain is the result (Pain Quotes)
We are taught to view pain as an enemy, not a teacher. But pain is the right hand of growth and transformation. Pain is in the history of all human wisdom (Pain Quotes)
In the way that women forget the pain of childbirth, men forget that they cry in movies (Pain Quotes)
To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings (Pain Quotes)
Real power comes when we stop holding others responsible for our pain, and we take responsibility for all our feelings (Pain Quotes)
Pain is temporary. Eventually it will subside. If I quit, however, the surrender stays with me (Pain Quotes)
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is better, especially when it comes to saving life, or some pain! (Pain Quotes)
When you fall, feel the pain. And then stand up. You were born for victory. And failure has no place in your world (Pain Quotes)
The most important lesson that man can learn from life, is not that there is pain in this world, but that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy (Pain Quotes)
Without dark clouds in our lives, we would never know the joy of sunshine. We can become callous and unteachable if we do not learn from pain (Pain Quotes)
The cross reminds us that there is no true love without suffering, there is no gift of life without pain (Pain Quotes)
Pleasure puts you to sleep and pain wakes you up. If you don’t want to suffer, don’t go to sleep (Pain Quotes)
Pain s the truth of art. Art is not a hobby or a pastime. It is the result of an internal battle royal, one between the quest for safety and the desire to matter (Pain Quotes)
Some people have a thick skin and you don’t. Your heart is really open and that is going to cause pain, but that is an appropriate response to this world. The cost is high, but the blessing of being compassionate is beyond your wildest dreams (Pain Quotes)
The greatest leverage you can create for yourself is the pain that comes from inside, not outside. Knowing that you have failed to live up to your own standards for your life is the ultimate pain (Pain Quotes)
Follow your pain as if it were a candle in the night, leading you to a place of decision (Pain Quotes)
Compassion is one of the highest states of consciousness that you can choose to assist you in times of enormous pain (Pain Quotes)
Rainbows introduce us to reflections of different beautiful possibilities so we never forget that pain and grief are not the final options in life (Pain Quotes)
Entertainment is about taking people away from the regular order of things when there is some chaos and pain and stress (Pain Quotes)