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Paint Quotes

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When critics or art historians or curators ask me why I still paint, the answer is that I am not naive  (Paint Quotes) As an artist I have always tried to be faithful to my vision of life, and I have frequently been in conflict with those who wanted me to paint not what I saw but what they wished me to see  (Paint Quotes) Painting is the act of discovery and you’re constantly enlarging your horizon or finding yourself every time you paint  (Paint Quotes) With color, for the price of a pot of paint, people can express their own style and individuality. But, as with style, a gift for color has to be developed by experiment. If you don’t dare, you are doomed to dullness  (Paint Quotes) If I can’t serve on grass, I can maybe help cut the grass, paint the lines and serve some strawberries  (Paint Quotes) You can never judge a paint hue by the liquid color in the paint pot. You must apply it to a wall, wait for the paint to dry, then decide  (Paint Quotes) As a child, I always chose a false nose and some face paint and a wig for my birthday  (Paint Quotes) What makes for great art is the courage to speak and write and paint what you know and care about  (Paint Quotes) Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. I don’t know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere  (Paint Quotes) Art isn’t just paint and music, art is breaking glass and the sounds we make without realizing  (Paint Quotes) One might as well attempt to describe the smoothness of the wind as to paint a clear picture of his complete swing  (Paint Quotes) Freeform radio is an art form. The airwaves are the empty canvas, the producer is the artist, and the sound is the paint  (Paint Quotes) I’ll tell you now. That silence almost beat me. It’s the silence that scares me. It’s the blank page on which I can write my own fears. The spirits of the dead have nothing on it. The dead one tried to show me hell, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment  (Paint Quotes) Perhaps one of the most essential exercises in learning to paint is the copying of master works in the museums  (Paint Quotes) I failed math; Einstein passed it. But he couldn’t paint and sculpt like me. So we all have these specialties, these strengths  (Paint Quotes) Everybody expresses themselves in different ways. Some people write it down, some people paint it. Some people express it in the way they speak. We just express our feelings through music  (Paint Quotes) You need to paint with enough assurance and confidence to know you can do whatever you like  (Paint Quotes) Look, it’s my misery that I have to paint this kind of painting, it’s your misery that you have to love it, and the price of the misery is thirteen hundred and fifty dollars  (Paint Quotes) There is no end in creativity. Hence, to strive towards an end result is a fool’s errand. Set goals, make music and paint pictures, but know that the crux of your happiness balances delicately on the wings of the act of creativity itself. Not at the finish line  (Paint Quotes) What a business is this of a portrait painter! You bring him a potato and expect he will paint you a peach  (Paint Quotes) I often paint tranquility. If you stop thinking and rest, then a little happiness comes into your mind. At perfect rest you are comfortable  (Paint Quotes) I could not paint at all if I had to paint slowly. Every effect is so transient, it must be rapidly painted  (Paint Quotes) Art is lunging forward without certainty about where you are going or how to get there, being open to and dependent on what luck, the paint, the typo, the dissonance, give you. Without art, you’re stuck with yourself as you are and life as you think life is  (Paint Quotes) It takes two to paint. One to paint, the other to stand by with an axe to kill him before he spoils it  (Paint Quotes) I want the unobtainable. Other artists paint a bridge, a house, a boat, and that’s the end. They are finished. I want to paint the air which surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located, and that is nothing short of impossible  (Paint Quotes) One can take a neon tube and simply paint it black on the front. So it would read as a black letter or a line, but it would also read as neon because there would be light coming from behind that black letter  (Paint Quotes) Learning to love others begins with learning to love ourselves unconditionally first. I will never let myself down, treat myself like a doormat, or make myself small so others can feel big. I have learned that this is the biggest gift that I give not only to myself, but also to the planet, because I paint others with the same brush as I use on myself  (Paint Quotes) If what you want to paint is the emotive mood in all its strength... then you must not sit and stare at everything and depict it exactly as one sees it  (Paint Quotes) If being original means having to throw paint in front of a jet turbine to hit a canvas 50 ft away then lets not be original  (Paint Quotes) Most artists look for something fresh to paint; frankly I find that quite boring. For me it is much more exciting to find fresh meaning in something familiar  (Paint Quotes)
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