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Paint Quotes

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I choose color on the spur of the moment. People ask me why I paint in red. I do not have the slightest idea. I was painting in blue, then I had a need to paint in red. To be able to interact with the medium, this is the key. There are no sure ways to do art  (Paint Quotes) ... a canvas that I have covered is worth more than a blank canvas. My pretensions go no further; that is my right to paint, my reason for painting  (Paint Quotes) I tell you it’s no joke to paint a portrait. I wonder that I am not more timid when I begin. I feel almost certain that I can do it. It seems very simple. I don’t think of the time that is sure to come when I almost despair, when the whole thing seems hopeless  (Paint Quotes) You know, I always say musicians, they can do it on their own. They can practice their violin on their own. A painter can paint by himself. A writer can write by himself. But an actor needs a group, and the hardest thing about expanding your ability and your craft is to have a group to do it with that is of a caliber where you can grow even more  (Paint Quotes) I think if actors are successful at one thing, they paint themselves into a corner sometimes, and what’s the fun in that?  (Paint Quotes) I can draw really well. And I like to paint. I’m a bit of an artist  (Paint Quotes) I went through this phase where I thought pink and purple matched. To dance class, I’d wear purple tights and pink leg warmers and paint my shoes purple. It was really odd  (Paint Quotes) That’s what I paint, I paint people. They’re portraits, but you won’t always be pleased with the way you look in my paintings. Which is fine, I guess. Unless you’re buying it, and it’s of your kid!  (Paint Quotes) I paint for the sheer joy of painting. I have never sold any of my paintings. I’d rather give them to people for free  (Paint Quotes) All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school  (Paint Quotes) Children can’t help but create: they need to put their mind on the page, they want to paint, to sculpt, to write short stories  (Paint Quotes) As long as you’re true to you, you believe it and you make others believe it, then what you’re doing is just art. If you give everybody a blank canvas and some paint, not everybody’s picture is going to be exactly the same, but it’s still art. I just do what I do  (Paint Quotes) I want to make beautiful paintings. But I don’t make beautiful paintings by putting beautiful paint on a canvas with a beautiful motif. It just doesn’t work. I expect my paintings to be strong and surprising  (Paint Quotes) I take it very seriously, music. I think it’s one of the tools that a director has with which to kind of paint. The right music can sometimes do five pages of scripted dialogue  (Paint Quotes) If I had a place with a studio where I could paint I’d be happy  (Paint Quotes) There is a trend today that would put a new robe on the prodigal son while he is still feeding hogs. Some would put the ring on his finger while he still in the pigsty. Others would paint the pigsty and advocate bigger and better hog pens  (Paint Quotes) When you’re not a mom, you can get up in the middle of the night, paint, sleep all morning... you can’t do that when you have two children!  (Paint Quotes) Sometimes I write what I can’t paint, and I paint what I can’t write. I use a different part of the brain  (Paint Quotes) I paint very messy. I throw paint around. So when I let myself do the same sort of thing with my writing, and I would just write and write and write and revise, that’s when I found my rhythm in writing  (Paint Quotes) When I was growing up, I wanted to be a house painter like my father, but I was always screwing up when I went to work with him. I had a talent for knocking over paint and painting myself into corners. I also realized fairly quickly that painting bored me  (Paint Quotes) Objects of every sort are materials for the new art: paint, food, chairs, electric and neon lights, smoke, water, old socks, a dog, movies, a thousand other things which will be discovered by the present generation of artists  (Paint Quotes) Philosophy can forsake too easily the details of experience… many writers and painters have demonstrated that thinking long about what art is or ought to be ruins the power to write or paint  (Paint Quotes) Cover the canvas at the first go, and then work on till you see nothing more to add... Don’t proceed according to rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel. Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression  (Paint Quotes) If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thru chinks of his cavern.I see every thing I paint in this world, but everybody does not see alike. To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes  (Paint Quotes) Come into my lap and sit in the center of your soul. Drink the living waters of memory and give birth to yourself. What you unearth with stun you. You will paint the walls of this cave in thanksgiving  (Paint Quotes) An art critic is someone who hopes to see his ideas translated to canvas without having to learn how to paint  (Paint Quotes) Keep evolving. Keep reading plays, doing plays, but also be sure to expand your horizons as much as possible. You only have yourself to bring to your work. You are your palette, so give yourself as many colors as possible to paint with  (Paint Quotes) Paint should not be applied thick. It should be like a breath on the surface of a pane of glass  (Paint Quotes) Just to paint is great fun. The colours are lovely to look at and delicious to squeeze out. Matching them, however crudely, with what you see is fascinating and absolutely absorbing  (Paint Quotes) A heightened sense of the observation of nature is one of the chief delights that have come to me through trying to paint  (Paint Quotes)
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