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Lots of artists who paint have the experience to one degree or another... where their thinking doesn’t precede their doing... It’s a funny thing, what I really hate yet I have to go through with it, is the preparation  (Paint Quotes) The only people I have ever seen paint successfully, consistently, with great authority, unselfconsciously and without fear of failing were about four years old  (Paint Quotes) My willingness to explore and work freely is not without risk, and at times, I find myself caught in a bind... Knowing I can fix whatever goes wrong allows me to paint, not without thought, but without hesitation  (Paint Quotes) It does take a long time and a lot of paint to become our own artist  (Paint Quotes) The word compositon moved me spiritually and I made it my aim in life to paint a composition. It affected me like a prayer and filled me with awe  (Paint Quotes) My son’s a painter. All through school his teachers tell him he’s a genius. I tell him to paint me an apple that looks like an apple before he paints me one that doesn’t. Go where you can go, but start from someplace recognizable  (Paint Quotes) Some people try to paint in my style. Some simply sell pirated copies of my work. Some claim to be my publisher or agent or even my exclusive representative, when they are not  (Paint Quotes) With a brush you have control. The paint goes on the brush and you make the mark. From experience you know exactly what will happen. With the squeegee you lose control  (Paint Quotes) The reason for my painting large canvases is that I want to be intimate and human. To paint a small picture is to place yourself outside your experience, to look upon an experience as a stereopticon view or with a reducing glass. However you paint the larger picture, you are in it. It isn’t something you command  (Paint Quotes) Throw away those little pieces of paper. Get yourself a big, beautiful canvas. Bring from this nature the most beautiful colors. Find the serene scene within. Find the joy in each corner of your life. Sit still and feel what is within you. Sit still and paint like you have never painted before  (Paint Quotes) I think that in the last twenty years or so, there’s been a new kind of honesty in painting where painters have been very proud of paint and have let it behave openly  (Paint Quotes) I am a commercial artist because I paint to earn a living. We who earn money from what we produce are all commercial artists  (Paint Quotes) The true professional makes art when he is not feeling good, if the studio is too cold or too warm or the walls are falling down. We are painters and we paint. If I were a sculptor, I’d sculpt  (Paint Quotes) I do not like to be a prophet. I like better to paint than to predict what the next painters will do. Though I have a feeling that consideration of order is very much in the air  (Paint Quotes) Avoid distant views, paint objects close up. If the foreground is well done the distance will take care of itself  (Paint Quotes) If I don’t paint for one day, I don’t feel well physically or mentally  (Paint Quotes) Before this I tended to paint figures and put them in an environment. Now I paint an environment to put figures in. It’s a subtle difference, but it is a difference. It’s something I did naturally  (Paint Quotes) Art doesn’t begin with a brush and a palette, but with the artist’s ability to perceive life. You have to learn how to live before you can learn how to paint  (Paint Quotes) The artist can’t paint, sing, or dance without emotion: if he does, he is a machine masquerading as a person  (Paint Quotes) In collage you’re doing it in stages so you’re not actually doing it right there. You first of all draw it on the paper, then you cut it up, then you paste it down, then you change it, then you shove it about, then you may paint bits of it over, so actually you’re not making the picture there and then, you’re making it through a process, so it’s not so spontaneous  (Paint Quotes) I never paint a portrait from a photograph, because a photograph doesn’t give enough information about what the person feels  (Paint Quotes) Being an artist and being a teacher are two conflicting things. When I paint, my work manifests the unexpected... In teaching it’s just the opposite. I must account for every line, shape and colour and I am forced to give an explanation of the inexplicable and account for the variety of styles the students present  (Paint Quotes) People think you can get out your canvas and paint any time you have a free moment. You can’t. Commercial art and painting are entirely different. Painting takes a different mental approach. You have to get the right attitude, the right mood  (Paint Quotes) The oceans of art are awash with people who can’t paint. When those who can’t paint notice those who can, they are sometimes not inclined to accept them as serious like themselves. It’s an unfortunate quirk of human nature and ought not to be fretted over  (Paint Quotes) Take your brush here and there like a bee in an alpine meadow. In other words, don’t laboriously work on or try to finish off one particular part. Paint promiscuously  (Paint Quotes) No one would have the courage to walk up to a writer and ask to look at the last few pages of his manuscript, but they feel perfectly comfortable staring over an artist’s shoulder while he is trying to paint  (Paint Quotes) If we view a great mountain soaring into the sky, it may excite us, evoke an uplifted feeling within us. There is an interplay of something we see outside of us with our inner response. The artist takes that response and its feelings and shapes it on canvas with paint so that when finished it contains the experience  (Paint Quotes) Don’t go overboard with exotic or complex ways to paint. Stick to simple solutions, unless there is a good reason to do otherwise  (Paint Quotes) Scan your subject for things that are clearly impossible. After all, paint isn’t magic! If you see that certain elements in the subject are beyond the limits of your pigments, try to form an idea beforehand of how you are going to handle those areas when you get to them  (Paint Quotes) If there is a conflict in your mind between what you know and what you are seeing, paint what you see because if you don’t, the result will look like something that isn’t there  (Paint Quotes)
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