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Paint Quotes

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Draw places you have seen from memory. I used to paint things I had glimpsed through windows while riding in the elevated train  (Paint Quotes) A piece of drapery is like a necktie, hot stuff to paint, and one of the easiest things for a painter to kid himself into thinking he can do. Don’t be fooled by the color. Go after the shape and character. Hew the forms together with colored tones  (Paint Quotes) I love isolation. It’s very important for me to have time and space to myself when I can sit and read or write as well as paint. It’s all part of the process  (Paint Quotes) Painters love paint itself: so much that they spend years trying to get paint to behave the way they want it to  (Paint Quotes) As the decades go by, a painter’s life becomes a life lived with oil paint, a story told in the thicknesses of oil. Any history of painting that does not take that obsession seriously is incomplete  (Paint Quotes) Painting is an unspoken and largely unrecognized dialogue, where paint speaks silently in masses and colors and the artist responds in moods  (Paint Quotes) Paint records the most delicate gesture and the most tense. It tells whether the painter sat or stood or crouched in front of the canvas. Paint is a cast made of the painter’s movements, a portrait of the painter’s body and thoughts  (Paint Quotes) Artists are perceptive, but they choose to write songs or make movies or paint pictures rather than simply keeping private diaries  (Paint Quotes) Rather than listening to music while you paint, listen to the sort of wisdom that can help grow your career  (Paint Quotes) First I have tried to achieve the highest quality of technical facility possible so that I have at my fingertips the availability to create anything I want. Then I paint  (Paint Quotes) I want to make paintings full of colour, laughter, compassion and love. I want to make paintings that will make people happy, that will change the course of people’s lives. If I can do that, I can paint for a hundred years  (Paint Quotes) A background can be painted in the same range of values as the foreground by reversing the light effect. In the shadow plane, paint the lights cool and the shadows warm, and in the sunlight plane, paint the lights warm and shadows cool  (Paint Quotes) If your life is full, you will paint full pictures. If it is empty, your pictures will be empty too  (Paint Quotes) To paint a mass simple and big you must keep out all the lights and darks that do not belong to its general value  (Paint Quotes) I paint very directly. I go from top to bottom. When I get to the floor, the painting is finished  (Paint Quotes) When I paint a portrait I want to know more than just the looks of the person. I want to know how they live and what their feelings are... It then becomes more than just physiognomy, but the feel of the person  (Paint Quotes) When I paint to please other people I tend to lose the free spirit creative edge  (Paint Quotes) I never wanted to be commissioned to paint portraits. I like to choose my own subject and make a character study from it  (Paint Quotes) I’ve always been a bit of a mix between art and technology. I used to paint a lot, but I’m not very good with my hands. It has always been a fusion between my computer gaming interests and being exposed to the rich data of society that we live in  (Paint Quotes) I deal with painting as I deal with things, I paint a window just as I look out of a window. If an open window looks wrong in a picture, I draw the curtain and shut it, just as I would in my own room. In painting, as in life, you must act directly  (Paint Quotes) I am not metrosexual. I am not macho. I am normal. I don’t even wear nail paint  (Paint Quotes) A record... is a statement, it’s its own statement, its own entity, rather than being about something else. If I was a painter... I don’t paint the chair, I would paint feelings about the chair  (Paint Quotes) Son, if a maiden love thee, thou shalt appear handsome in her sight; she shall praise thine eyes, and the corners of thy mouth, yea, she shall admire thy hands. Though thou wert even as the orangutan yet shall she paint thee with fancies  (Paint Quotes) You know how fussy and particular I am in painting. I am ever removing the paint and repainting the spot until I am completely exhausted  (Paint Quotes) I don’t think it’s necessary for artists to have any formal training in painting or art history, but I do think it’s essential to continually experiment with different subject matter, types of paint and methods of painting  (Paint Quotes) I don’t believe anyone really likes paint, unless he’s tempted to eat it  (Paint Quotes) I want the shuffles and echoes, and a certain mysteriousness... It’s so bloody hard to paint  (Paint Quotes) I don’t design. I don’t paint. I absolutely never touch my works  (Paint Quotes) As soon as you set yourself up in the position of transferring paint from one place to another, your whole culture invades you. It tells you all about the history of art  (Paint Quotes) You have to give in to what the paint says... You have to do what it’s telling you to do  (Paint Quotes)
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