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Paint Quotes

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It’s true that I have a wide range of interests. I like to write and paint and make music and go walking on my own and garden. In fact, gardening is probably what I enjoy doing more than anything else  (Paint Quotes) In fiction, when you paint yourself into a corner, you can write a pair of suction cups onto the bottoms of your shoes and walk up the wall and out the skylight and see the sun breaking through the clouds. In nonfiction, you don’t have that luxury  (Paint Quotes) I think that I still have it in my heart someday to paint a bookshop with the front yellow and pink in the evening... like a light in the midst of the darkness  (Paint Quotes) Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise man to be able to sell it  (Paint Quotes) I did not know how to paint or even what to paint, but I knew I had to begin  (Paint Quotes) If you don’t like the scene you’re in, if you’re unhappy, if you’re lonely, if you don’t feel that things are happening, change your scene. Paint a new backdrop  (Paint Quotes) She was all the things I wasn’t. And I was all the things she wasn’t. she could paint circles around anyone; I couldn’t even draw a straight line. She was never into sports; I’ve always been. Her hand, it fit mine  (Paint Quotes) We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell  (Paint Quotes) There is, I am convinced, no picture that conveys in all its dreadfulness, a vision of sorrow, despairing, remediless, supreme. If I could paint such a picture, the canvas would show only a woman looking down at her empty arms  (Paint Quotes) This is less teaching than damage control. You may as well paint a house that’s on fire  (Paint Quotes) You have your brush, you have your colors, you paint the paradise, then in you go  (Paint Quotes) You can sing only what you are. You can paint only what you are. You must be what your experiences, your environment, and your heredity have made you. For better or for worse, you must play your own little instrument in the orchestra of life  (Paint Quotes) It is terrible to have to ask for anything ever. We wish we were something that needed nothing, like paint. But even paint needs repainting  (Paint Quotes) In case you still haven’t figured it out, he loves you. Your tiger will be back in the morning, and you can thank me anytime. Now, do I have to paint another picture for you, or do you think you can take it from here by yourself without screwing up?  (Paint Quotes) Sometimes artist like to catch themselves looking out, let the world see them for once. It’s a signature. This one is a very bold one. But this is also a witnessing. We want to remember, and we want to be remembered. That’s why we paint  (Paint Quotes) We are living in a world where everything is false. The society is like bright paint applied on top of rotten wood  (Paint Quotes) You must make, always. You must act, if you believe something. Talking about acting is like boasting about pictures you’re going to paint. The most terrible bad form  (Paint Quotes) In my mind I am eloquent; I can climb intricate scaffolds of words to reach the highest cathedral ceilings and paint my thoughts. But when I open my mouth, everything collapses  (Paint Quotes) Staring at him the way she might stare at a beloved place she was not sure she would ever see again, trying to commit the details to memory, to paint them on the backs of her eyelids that she might see it when she shut her eyes to sleep  (Paint Quotes) The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow  (Paint Quotes) As an artist you organize your life so that you get a chance to paint, a window of time, but that’s no guarantee you’ll create anything worth all your effort. You’re always haunt by the idea you’re wasting your life  (Paint Quotes) I realize how quickly lies compound. They cover like a coat of paint, one on top of the other, until you cannot remember what color you started with  (Paint Quotes) Fight with yourself when you paint, not with the model. A student is one who struggles with himself for order  (Paint Quotes) Romances paint at full length people’s wooing. But only give a bust of marriages  (Paint Quotes) Fatherhood is the best thing I ever did. It changes your perspective. You can write a book, you can make a movie, you can paint a painting, but having kids is really the most extraordinary thing I have taken on  (Paint Quotes) A good painter has two main objects to paint, man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard as he has to represent it by the attitude and movement of the limbs  (Paint Quotes) The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives  (Paint Quotes) Life in itself is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory  (Paint Quotes) I like to write about the way things used to be and paint pictures of my memories with beautiful words and melodies  (Paint Quotes) Conceit is to nature what paint is to beauty; it is not only needless, but it impairs what it would improve  (Paint Quotes)
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