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In abstract painting, I worried about the limited range of possibilities that, as time went on, became increasingly important to me. I wanted to express or deal with differences that an all-over paint and canvas ‘presence’ neutralized.  (Paint Quotes) My problem is that I don’t paint ambitiously. It’s all catch and release - just tiny fish that aren’t really worth the trouble to clean and cook.  (Paint Quotes) If you don’t like the scene you’re in, if you’re unhappy, if you’re lonely, if you don’t feel that things are happening, change your scene. Paint a new backdrop.  (Paint Quotes) One of the greatest things about ‘Continuum’ is how great the writing is; our writing room is one of the most talented ones I’ve ever had. It really helps me as far as character development because they paint a very descriptive picture of who the characters are while still letting us have freedom to put in our own ideas.  (Paint Quotes) Ever since I was a girl, I have written about one to five pages every day - on napkins, on scrap paper, in notebooks and tablets, on the walls in my room as a teenager, and in orange paint on the cheap white plastic blinds in my room.  (Paint Quotes) I prey on innocent villagers and terrify their children, he said with a nasty smile. And sometimes when I’m feeling really evil, I read books or paint.  (Paint Quotes) You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what’s wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever’s in them rises to the surface in free play.  (Paint Quotes) Camera lies all the time. It’s all it does is lie, because when you choose this moment instead of this moment, when you... the moment you’ve made a choice, you’re lying about something larger. ‘Lying’ is an ugly word. I don’t mean lying. But any artist picks and chooses what they want to paint or write about or say. Photographers are the same.  (Paint Quotes) I still love finding the soul of the characters I play and defining who they are. This to me is my paint set, and the colors are always exciting to choose.  (Paint Quotes) You need to use you imagined view of the future you dream of, then paint the statement in words, to state that clear dream of your desired future.  (Paint Quotes) Take clear water with grass waving at the bottom. It’s wonderful to look at, but to try to paint it is enough to make one insane.  (Paint Quotes) When I was a child, I used to paint intently. The older I become, and the closer death approaches, the brighter my life gets day by day.  (Paint Quotes) My mother was a piano teacher, my father an inventor. He invented the reflective paint they still use on airstrips. They had faith in my ambition, and I think that made all the difference.  (Paint Quotes) It’s useless to paint a closed door, in order to change its color. The door needs to be open for both sides to change as same.  (Paint Quotes) I began to paint again, even though I could barely hold the brush, but knowing exactly what I wanted to paint, I began three more large canvases... of large wheat fields under cloudy skies, and it did not take a great deal to express sadness and loneliness... I believe these paintings say what words cannot.  (Paint Quotes) I drink coffee like other men paint pictures of naked women. I do it because I love the full body.  (Paint Quotes) There’s no handbook for parenting. So you walk a very fine line as a parent because you are civilizing these raw things. They will tip the coffee over and finger-paint on the table. At some point, you have to say, ‘We’re gonna have to clean that up because you don’t paint with coffee on a table.’  (Paint Quotes) As an actor, you’re a color of paint on someone else’s palette. But as a director, it’s your canvas and you make the painting you want to make.  (Paint Quotes) I want to paint. That is probably going to sound so pretentious coming from someone who’s been a musician.  (Paint Quotes) I just think that it’s maybe fashionable today to try to take individual actions and individual failures and take the broadest possible brush and try to paint a company.  (Paint Quotes) I’m impressed by the way some illustrators develop their images on computers, but it’s too late for me to start, and I’m still in love with paper and paint and pencils.  (Paint Quotes) You can sometimes avoid costly mistakes. Paint a corner of the room a certain color to see how the light affects it. Or buy just one yard of an expensive fabric to see how you like it in your room.  (Paint Quotes) They say I’m insane because I need to have so much creative control. They say I’m unmanageable, but I’m not. I just know what I like. I’m obsessed with it. If you can’t control it, that’s like having somebody else paint your pictures. How could you do that? I never could.  (Paint Quotes) I’m painting so much that I don’t listen to much music. Because music is another creative outlet, it’s a huge distraction for me when I paint.  (Paint Quotes) I’ve always envied people who compose music or paint, because they don’t have to be bothered with the sort of crude mess that language normally is, in everyday life and in the way we use it.  (Paint Quotes) [Cultural relativism] licenses the envy of the untalented, giving rise to what has been called the revenge of failure: Those who cannot paint destroy the canons of painting; those who cannot write reject canonical literature.  (Paint Quotes) I’m an independent artist, but I do have a good business relationship with Lego, since I’m a unique customer. They’re aware of what I’m doing. A painter may not have a relationship with a paint maker, but there’s only one company that makes Lego.  (Paint Quotes) We have embraced the 21st century by entering such cutting-edge industries as brick, carpet, insulation and paint. Try to control your excitement.  (Paint Quotes) I was at Home Depot with my dad looking for paint when I got the call to open for Taylor Swift. That was wild, because I was crying in Home Depot, and people were looking at me funny.  (Paint Quotes) This is less teaching than damage control. You may as well paint a house that’s on fire.  (Paint Quotes)
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