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Paint Quotes

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Writing is a splendid sorter of... feelings, better even than paint  (Paint Quotes) The thicker you paint, the more it flows  (Paint Quotes) I will paint for money any time  (Paint Quotes) Paint with freedom. It gives you more mastery of the nature of paint  (Paint Quotes) Live to paint, don’t paint to live  (Paint Quotes) Painters paint, and history continues to make fools of curators  (Paint Quotes) Whenever I can, I paint the powerful and obvious things in my subject first  (Paint Quotes) Use lots of paint and don’t worry, they will make more  (Paint Quotes) Paint like a pig eats  (Paint Quotes) No artist, if he has original talent, can paint like another  (Paint Quotes) I want to paint sunshine and burning golden leaves and blue waters, and laughing faces  (Paint Quotes) Don’t paint the apple; paint the red  (Paint Quotes) My purpose is to paint the life of my people as I know it  (Paint Quotes) A man cannot paint portraits till he has seen faces  (Paint Quotes) I do not care to paint portraits indoors. I cannot feel sympathetic  (Paint Quotes) You can paint your soul with any medium  (Paint Quotes) I choose to paint beauty  (Paint Quotes) It is far easier to debate about realistic painting than to paint one  (Paint Quotes) Paint what you see and look with your own eyes  (Paint Quotes) Read in order to write, but paint in order to paint  (Paint Quotes) First draw dog, then fleas. First paint apple, then worm holes  (Paint Quotes) Give paint a chance to show itself entirely as paint  (Paint Quotes) Don’t be stingy with your paint, it isn’t worth it  (Paint Quotes) Be sensitive to the qualities inherent in the medium. Paint honestly and avoid tricks  (Paint Quotes) I was never one to paint space, I paint air  (Paint Quotes) I had the desire to paint the figure without actually painting the figure  (Paint Quotes) Everything I paint is a portrait, whatever the subject  (Paint Quotes) Artists paint not for their own enjoyment but to share their vision with others  (Paint Quotes) The religions never wanted an art where you paint only what you see  (Paint Quotes) If you can see it, and if you know your color, you can paint it  (Paint Quotes)
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