Painted Quotes

Text Quotes
But that kind of happiness was doubtless a lie, invented to make one despair of any love. Now she well knew the true paltriness of the passions that art painted so large (Painted Quotes)
My first car was painted red down one side and blue down the other to confuse witnesses in case of an accident (Painted Quotes)
Everything was curved to fit the walls: the stove, the sink and the cupboards, and all of it had been painted with flowers, insects and birds in bright primary colours (Painted Quotes)
Many of the old masters of watercolour painted from notes, with enthusiasm either unabated or renewed. It is hard to assume the same degree of concentration in the studio, but not impossible (Painted Quotes)
All I wanted was to connect my moods with those of Paris. Beauty paints and when it painted most, I shot (Painted Quotes)
I had bohemian parents in Seattle in the last 60s living in a houseboat. My dad wrote science fiction novels and painted big murals and oil paintings (Painted Quotes)
I often painted fragments of things because it seemed to make my statement as well as or better than the whole could (Painted Quotes)
The mainstream media has chosen their candidates and their issues, and they’re not the same as the GOP’s. They are going to be painted as the bad guys (Painted Quotes)
Photograph is a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. It is a little better than the work of an Apache, but not quite so good as that of a Cheyenne (Painted Quotes)
I simply painted images of what was before my eyes; it is for others to find hidden meaning in them (Painted Quotes)
I didn’t really know that much about the Maoists, but I just knew that they seemed to be so few and yet they painted themselves green and stood in front of the police waiting to get picked off (Painted Quotes)
When you get ready to write your novel, outline it first. There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through and realizing you’ve painted yourself in a plot corner (Painted Quotes)
[Louis] Brandeis is often painted as an acolyte of judicial restraint, or the view that judges should uphold laws whether or not they like them (Painted Quotes)
I think songwriters are more related to fiction writers. The Odyssey was a story in song. To me, that’s so beautiful, all those painted characters, all those travels and adventures (Painted Quotes)
My life would be beautiful if you were by my side because you have painted a smile in my heart that will last for a lifetime (Painted Quotes)
Fighting is art and there is nothing more beautiful than the painted canvas of just totally kicking someone’s ass (Painted Quotes)
We painted a beautiful picture, but we just didn’t finish it. Finishing is the difference between a beautiful picture and a masterpiece (Painted Quotes)
If you go to old houses on Long Island you will see painted Chinese wallpaper, which was big in the 18th century. Throughout history, notable, established families have always tried to link to the 18th century (Painted Quotes)
Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is: if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you’ve painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, I’m sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow, then do it (Painted Quotes)
I would have been a visual artist. When I was in high school, that was one of the things... I had to make a decision what I was going to go to college for, and at the time, I also painted and sculpted. I got more attention for my performing, so I thought that was a better idea (Painted Quotes)
When the Left agitates over government policies, it’s considered righteous anger. When the Right - and much of the center - agitate, it’s painted as the rantings of the criminally and violently insane (Painted Quotes)
I think the painted backgrounds in animations are absolutely stunningly beautiful. There’s something really special about this medium. I don’t believe audiences have grown past it. I think what audiences love is to be entertained-thoroughly, deeply entertained, and that’s what I’ve always set out to do (Painted Quotes)
I flew out here on Southwest Airlines. Southwest has a plane that’s painted like Shamu the whale from Sea World. Yeah, that’ll be easy to find if that went down in the ocean. That’ll be nice, when you’re trying to get out and a real whale’s humping your window (Painted Quotes)
I just have more fun when I get to try new things - and the action film genre has kind of painted itself into a corner, copied itself so many times and it has basically run out of bad buys (Painted Quotes)
I think songwriters are more related to fiction writers. The Odyssey was a story in song. To me, that’s so beautiful, all those painted characters, all those travels and adventures. (Painted Quotes)
By making pictures, you learn the many different properties of photography. I use those properties differently than, say, an advertising agency would, but we’re both operating in the same reality. A face painted by Picasso occupies the same reality as a portrait by Stieglitz. (Painted Quotes)
When I’m writing, I am concentrating almost wholly on concrete detail: the color a room is painted, the way a drop of water rolls off a wet leaf after a rain. (Painted Quotes)
I just bought a Jeep painted like an American flag. No one better question how patriotic I am. (Painted Quotes)
The hot hall full of painted girls and American soldiers is a saloon in some Western film. This noise drenches us, wakens us to do something else. It shows us a lost path. (Painted Quotes)
Aggressive female icons have been chronically demeaned... It’s fine for male artists to be angry - they’re encouraged to outwardly express their aggression - but women? I’ve been painted as an aggressive Feminazi because I’m blunt, stubborn, independent, forthright. (Painted Quotes)