Painter Quotes

Text Quotes
I am just beginning to understand what it is to paint. A painter should have two lives, one in which to learn, and one in which to practice his art (Painter Quotes)
The painter locks himself out of his own studio. And then has to break in like a thief (Painter Quotes)
Concision in art is a necessity and an elegance. The verbose painter bores: who will get rid of all these trimmings? (Painter Quotes)
There has never been a boy painter, nor can there be. The art requires a long apprenticeship, being mechanical, as well as intellectual (Painter Quotes)
We look at a painting to know the painter; it’s his company we are after, not his skill (Painter Quotes)
I envy the poet. He is encouraged toward drunkenness and wallows with nubile wenches while the painter must endure wretchedness and pain for his art (Painter Quotes)
The painter who is content with the praise of the world for what does not satisfy himself, is not an artist, but an artisan; for though his reward be only praise, his pay is that of a mechanic (Painter Quotes)
I don’t resent being a female painter. I don’t exploit it. I paint (Painter Quotes)
There are two ways for a painter: the broad and easy one or the narrow and hard one (Painter Quotes)
My paintings are about light, about the way things look in their environment and especially about how things look painted. Form, colour and space are at the whim of reality, their discovery and organization is the assignment of the realist painter (Painter Quotes)
I thought, enough of this, I’m not an abstract painter, what the hell am I going to do? Should I get a job in a shoe store, sell real estate, or what? I was really depressed by the whole thing, because I felt like a painter, yet I couldn’t make paintings (Painter Quotes)
I can see forms and shapes in my mind when I solo, just as a painter can see forms and shapes when he starts painting. And I can see different colors (Painter Quotes)
I went to art high school and thought I’d be a painter. Unfortunately I didn’t finish high school, but that’s always been part of my work (Painter Quotes)
I have a talent for happiness. I look with the eyes of a painter, and I see beauty (Painter Quotes)
The most important imperative to be questioned is the one that tells you to go the the art supply store to be a painter (Painter Quotes)
Every intelligent painter carries the whole culture of modern painting in his head. It is his real subject, of which everything he paints in both an homage and a critique, and everything he says is a gloss (Painter Quotes)
I haven’t the slightest idea what art is, but to be a painter is something of which you have to prove (Painter Quotes)
Im like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture (Painter Quotes)
The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies every thing placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence (Painter Quotes)
A combination of the qualities of the scholar, the master cook, the painter, the gastronomer, the sportsman and the pantologist, assisted by the skill of the bookmaker and etcher, will be required to compose the cookbook par excellence (Painter Quotes)
Every good composition is above all a work of abstraction. All good painters know this. But the painter cannot dispense with subjects altogether without his work suffering impoverishment (Painter Quotes)
I would much rather be known as the mother of a great son than the author of a great book or the painter of a great masterpiece (Painter Quotes)
When you make something, if you are a painter or a writer, a degree, or a sculptor or whatever or a musician, a degree of energy is required to make it, and I’m not sure that it is always aggressive, but when you have a great deal of energy it can appear to be more aggressive than it is. In fact, I mean you can talk about a waterfall being aggressive, but in fact it is just a very powerful forward movement of energy, and although I think sometimes my engine house is a kind of anger (Painter Quotes)
The most intelligent inspection of any number of fine paintings will not make the observer a painter, nor will listening to a number of operas make the hearer a musician, but good judges of music and painting may so be formed. Chess differs from these. The intelligent perusal of fine games cannot fail to make the reader a better player and a better judge of the play of others (Painter Quotes)
The purpose of the painter is simply to reproduce in other minds the impression which a scene has made upon him. A work of art does not appeal to the intellect. It does not appeal to the moral sense. Its aim is to instruct, not to edify, but to awaken an emotion (Painter Quotes)
I create my subjects somehow visualizing them in my style. I start as a poet, put the colors and composition down on canvas as a painter, but finish my work as a sculptor taking delight in caressing the forms (Painter Quotes)
What a business is this of a portrait painter! You bring him a potato and expect he will paint you a peach (Painter Quotes)
I draw all the time. Drawing is my backbone. I don’t think a painter has to be able to draw, I just think that if you draw, you better draw well (Painter Quotes)
The body is living art. Your movement through time and space is art. A painter has brushes. You have your body (Painter Quotes)
I think, if one is a painter, all you experience does come out when you’re painting (Painter Quotes)