Painting Quotes

Text Quotes
I feel as though I haven’t seen an object until I actually start painting it (Painting Quotes)
Painting is possessed of divine power, for not only does it make the absent present, but also makes the dead almost alive (Painting Quotes)
In painting, detail for the sake of itself is useless. It must have relevance to the whole (Painting Quotes)
Every intelligent painter carries the whole culture of modern painting in his head. It is his real subject, of which everything he paints in both an homage and a critique, and everything he says is a gloss (Painting Quotes)
Painting is a medium in which the mind can actualize itself; it is a medium of thought. Thus painting, like music, tends to become its own content (Painting Quotes)
In printmaking, I essentially use the same process as in painting with one important exception... to try, with sensitivity to the medium to emphasize what printing can do best... better than say, painting or collaging or watercolour or drawing or whatever... Otherwise, the artist expresses the same vision in graphics that he does in his other work (Painting Quotes)
I’m always trying to get to a danger point in color, where color either becomes too sweet or it becomes too harsh, it becomes too noisy or too quiet, and at that point I still want the picture to be strong, forceful, and the carrier of everything that a painting has to have: contrast, drama, austerity (Painting Quotes)
I do not see why the loss of faith in the known image and symbol in our time should be celebrated as a freedom. It is a loss from which we suffer, and this pathos motivates modern painting and poetry at its heart (Painting Quotes)
I conceive of the film as a modern art form particularly interesting to the sense of sight. Painting has its own peculiar problems and specific sensations, and so has the film. But there are also problems in which the dividing line is obliterated, or where the two infringe upon each other. More especially, the cinema can fulfill certain promises made by the ancient arts, in the realization of which painting and film become close neighbors and work together (Painting Quotes)
My art tends toward the literary. My pictures tend toward the outskirts of painting: But why generalize? It is possible to realize one thing or another, according to the impressions gained from one point of view or another. But it is too difficult to make a general rule (Painting Quotes)
Success is not fame or money or the power to bewitch. it is to have created something valuable from your own individuality and skill a garden, an embroidery, a painting, a cake, a life (Painting Quotes)
Do one thing every day that scares you... Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own... Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth (Painting Quotes)
Painting is the act of discovery and you’re constantly enlarging your horizon or finding yourself every time you paint (Painting Quotes)
Now will never leave. It is always here. Like a clear canvas, it awaits our painting (Painting Quotes)
Dance is low on the totem pole of the arts, because you’re not left with a painting... a book that will stay there, a score you can read (Painting Quotes)
An effective lighting design is like a beautiful painting. Your medium is bringing someone to an emotional state he or she would not achieve at that moment without your art. This does not and can not happen by accident (Painting Quotes)
A play is a painting that moves. Instead of it holding still, and you are looking at it, you hold still and it scrolls by (Painting Quotes)
The most intelligent inspection of any number of fine paintings will not make the observer a painter, nor will listening to a number of operas make the hearer a musician, but good judges of music and painting may so be formed. Chess differs from these. The intelligent perusal of fine games cannot fail to make the reader a better player and a better judge of the play of others (Painting Quotes)
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. I don’t know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere (Painting Quotes)
I wonder, only in passing, whether the indelible ornamentation that man inscribes upon his own epidermis does not respond to a nostalgia for the universal internally generated coloring of corrollas, furs, shells, carapaces and wings. For man it has been necessary to create both works and tools outside of himself. But it may be that he retains an obscure nostalgia to create them on his own body, to make them a part of it rather than projecting them outwards onto an independent surface, where he is free to retouch them as he sees fit, which is precisely what painting and art are (Painting Quotes)
The big picture is that there is no big picture.That’s why we keep painting it (Painting Quotes)
I studied painting and sculpting at school and became an actress by mistake... I’ve had many lovers and still have romances. I am very spoiled. All my life, I’ve had too many admirers (Painting Quotes)
Somehow, in painting I try to make some logic out of the world that has been given to me in chaos (Painting Quotes)
Everyone who has any talent at all in sketching, painting, sculpturing or carving, should have the opportunity to use that talent. The expression is important for the person, and can tremendously enrich the lives of other people. What can you do? (Painting Quotes)
Look, it’s my misery that I have to paint this kind of painting, it’s your misery that you have to love it, and the price of the misery is thirteen hundred and fifty dollars (Painting Quotes)
A painting to me is primarily a verb, not a noun, an event first and only secondarily an image (Painting Quotes)
I know the world that I am painting is not a reality. It is a whim, an entertainment to provoke something in people, whether as escapism or relief. I think that is very valid (Painting Quotes)
It is the mysterious that I love in painting. It is the stillness and the silence. I want my pictures to take effect very slowly, to obsess and to haunt (Painting Quotes)
Sometimes the painting starts to relate very directly to either sights seen or experiences felt, other times it just goes off on a tangent that you really can’t articulate (Painting Quotes)
I like radically cutting into the painting, inserting these paper birds, and then trying to figure out how to believe in it (Painting Quotes)