Painting Quotes

Text Quotes
You know, the way art history is taught, often there’s nothing that tells you why the painting is great. The description of a lousy painting and the description of a great painting will very much sound the same. (Painting Quotes)
I taught a lot of art history, especially Chinese, Japanese, and Indian. But the painting classes came back. The nudes came back. Not so much the still lifes. So now our department is the worst department, partly because it has the worst facilities. (Painting Quotes)
The Best of the artist’s art, which will one day be in a Museum wall, the Painting that sets the artist apart of all other artist artists. (Painting Quotes)
Our experience of any painting is always the latest line in a long conversation we’ve been having with painting. There’s no way of looking at art as though you hadn’t seen art before. (Painting Quotes)
Man needs music, literature, and painting - all those oases of perfection that make up art - to compensate for the rudeness and materialism of life. (Painting Quotes)
My art is representational by choice....if the art of painting is to survive, it must describe and express people, their lives and times. It must communicate. (Painting Quotes)
Painting is an essentially concrete art and can only consist of the representation of real and existing things. (Painting Quotes)
Painting is something that requires a lot of time - it’s not just one good idea out of art school. (Painting Quotes)
I am a great lover of art, in many forms: paintings, objets, textiles. I don’t have the talent for painting, but I have a very good sense of colour, a love of visual beauty. (Painting Quotes)
Art or anti-art?’ was the question I asked when I returned from Munich in 1912 and decided to abandon pure painting or painting for its own sake. I thought of introducing elements alien to painting as the only way out of a pictorial and chromatic dead end. (Painting Quotes)
I’m not knocking conceptual art; it’s another department, but it doesn’t move me like painting. (Painting Quotes)
What is painting but the act of embracing, by means of art, the surface of the pool? (Painting Quotes)
I’ve always been doing some sort of art. I started off, when I was very young, painting. (Painting Quotes)
Good art in general aspires to something, as a good painting aspires to something, almost spiritual or holy. (Painting Quotes)
The most joyous painting is not done for the art world, it is done for the inner world (Painting Quotes)
Maybe in that earlier phase I was painting the woman in me. Art isn’t a wholly masculine occupation, you know. (Painting Quotes)
The syllogism art for art’s sake refers to that kind of painting which disregards, or is contrary to, public taste. (Painting Quotes)
There is in art the notion of less is more, which is to say, you don’t torture a painting that has already confessed. (Painting Quotes)
90% of every art form is garbage - dance and stand-up, painting and music. Focus on the 10% that’s good, suck it up, and drive on. (Painting Quotes)
To me, art begets art. Painting feeds the eye just as poetry feeds the ear, which is to say that both feed the soul. (Painting Quotes)
And since geometry is the right foundation of all painting, I have decided to teach its rudiments and principles to all youngsters eager for art. . . (Painting Quotes)
Art isn’t only a painting. Art is anything that’s creative, passionate, and personal. And great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator. (Painting Quotes)
For many years it was difficult for me to paint because I didn’t feel the informal painting that was then tyrannically dominating painters and art collectors. (Painting Quotes)
You can’t make either life or art, you have to work in the hole in between, which is undefined. That’s what makes the adventure of painting. (Painting Quotes)
If commercialization is putting my art on a shirt so that a kid who can’t afford a $30,000 painting can buy one, then I’m all for it. (Painting Quotes)
I was born knowing that I had to be a painter, because my father, an art historian, always presented painting as the only acceptable thing in life. (Painting Quotes)
When things become peculiar, frustrating and strange, I think it’s a good time to start painting. (Painting Quotes)
I’m old fashioned. I really think you should know how to draw before you start painting. I use charcoal and graphite; I put a skylight in. In my house, I turned the garage into an art studio. So I’m awash in art studios. (Painting Quotes)
A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place. (Painting Quotes)
Painting is like breathing to me. It’s what I do all the time. Every day I make art, whether it is painting, writing or making a movie. (Painting Quotes)