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Paintings Quotes

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No one but myself knows the anxiety I go through and the trouble I give myself to finish paintings which do not satisfy me and seem to please so very few others  (Paintings Quotes) I’m never finished with my paintings; the further I get, the more I seek the impossible and the more powerless I feel  (Paintings Quotes) I’ve spent so long on some paintings that I no longer know what to think of them, and I am definitely getting harder to please; nothing satisfies me  (Paintings Quotes) I know well enough in advance that you’ll find my paintings perfect. I know that if they are exhibited they’ll be a great success, but I couldn’t be more indifferent to it since I know they are bad, I’m certain of it  (Paintings Quotes) I still have a lot of pleasure doing them, but as time goes by I come to appreciate more clearly which paintings are good and which should be discarded  (Paintings Quotes) I started with straight, basic, symbolic structures. My problem now is the opposite; as I get older, I try to make my paintings more contrapuntal, richer  (Paintings Quotes) Sometimes images may emerge from some chord in my subconscious, the way a dream might. Even in those paintings where an image unconsciously develops, a certain kind of experience is usually necessary in order to perceive it  (Paintings Quotes) I get letters from people about my work. The thing that pleases me most is that my work touches their feelings. In fact, they don’t talk about the paintings. They end up telling me the story of their life or how their father died  (Paintings Quotes) The spot paintings, the spin paintings, they’re all a mechanical way to avoid the actual guy in a room, myself, with a blank canvas  (Paintings Quotes) Drawings are only a few lines on paper. Therefore it’s easy to carry around in plastic bags. Drawings are cheaper than paintings. They don’t pretend they’ll last forever  (Paintings Quotes) The paintings have only ever been ways of exploring architecture. I don’t see them as art  (Paintings Quotes) Mass production is nothing new. Weren’t cathedrals built through mass production? The pyramids?... Paintings can be painted with the left hand, the right hand, someone else’s hand, or many people’s hands. The scale of production is irrelevant to its content  (Paintings Quotes) Flat, uninteresting parts of paintings are, in fact, a ruse to get the viewer to see what needs to be seen  (Paintings Quotes) Paintings, like tombstones, will last a good five hundred years, well into twenty or thirty generations  (Paintings Quotes) I have always found it a testament to the importance of painting that the first thing many people do when their home is on fire is to grab their paintings and then run out  (Paintings Quotes) I see the things and people and events in my daily world as an endless succession of paintings  (Paintings Quotes) I am a famous artist. I make millions. But I frequently see debut shows of unknown artists with prices that are double of mine... what they’re really doing is barely getting by and helping me sell 1,000 paintings a year effortlessly, because they make my paintings look like such a bargain. Thank you to all the egotistical art students!  (Paintings Quotes) Art is challenging and frustrating but I don’t linger in it. I work on five paintings at a time so if I’m frustrated I put one down and begin another  (Paintings Quotes) I love you more than anybody in the world... I love you for millions and millions of things, clocks and vampires and dirty nails and squiggly paintings and lovely hair and being dizzy and falling dreams  (Paintings Quotes) I’ve had phases where the compass point seems lost. It can happen for various reasons, among them, that you’re trying to do something outside your skill set; your skills have to catch up with the things you see in your head. But it’s important to make all of those paintings, even the failed ones  (Paintings Quotes) Paintings exist in the present tense, yet somehow, because of how it’s structured, it can move backwards through time as well  (Paintings Quotes) There’s something retro about the pop culture references in the paintings, so I’d imagine it’s not as much a pop culture reference as a pop art reference  (Paintings Quotes) When there’s a painting in the room, my eye goes right to it. It’s like if you go into a bar and there’s a television on, you can’t take your eyes off the television. Paintings have that effect on me. It’s where my eye settles  (Paintings Quotes) The paintings each take several months to do and it’s quite a cathartic and intense experience that’s very pleasurable, but also very strange  (Paintings Quotes) All paintings start with concept, which is another word for image or imagination. The mistake is to isolate the concept as if the idea did not need to be given permanent form  (Paintings Quotes) My best training came from doing illustrations because it taught me to compose my paintings more effectively, to improve my colors, and to be ruthlessly selective  (Paintings Quotes) I continue to make paintings of people and their moments in our time because I am of that time. Out of that I hope to make pictures that are timeless  (Paintings Quotes) In general, my paintings are multifocal. You can’t call it unfocused space, but not being fixed to a single focus is very much of our time  (Paintings Quotes) They were wrestling with canvases, using violent colors and huge brush strokes. I arrived with gray, silent, sober, oppressed paintings. One critic said they were paintings that thought  (Paintings Quotes) When you feel concentrated within the intensity of making paintings, you know exactly what you are doing  (Paintings Quotes)
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