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Music loud, I can’t help but wiggle a bit and I think that movement finds its way into the paintings... I can see it in the strokes  (Paintings Quotes) It seems strange that some artists fear a blank canvas, when it has been a major contributory factor to great paintings  (Paintings Quotes) My paintings don’t simply represent what I see; they present viewers with what I want them to see  (Paintings Quotes) Whenever I got a new studio I made the largest possible painting, and since the ceiling was low, the painting became horizontal. As I changed studios and got larger spaces, I made bigger paintings  (Paintings Quotes) I want to make paintings full of colour, laughter, compassion and love. I want to make paintings that will make people happy, that will change the course of people’s lives. If I can do that, I can paint for a hundred years  (Paintings Quotes) There will always be those who want to make paintings of the human form with all its parts all where they should be, in spite of progress  (Paintings Quotes) How do you complete a painting, really? There are paintings by so many different artists that are interesting precisely because they haven’t really been completed  (Paintings Quotes) A photo is like a map, a way of giving me a foot into a kind of reality I want... I’m not trying to make paintings look like photos. I want to make paintings using photos as a reference, the way painters did when photography was first invented  (Paintings Quotes) I’m an odd portrait painter in that I’m not just interested in human faces. I consider almost all of my paintings to be portraits  (Paintings Quotes) I want my paintings to have a light of their own, they must glow from inside  (Paintings Quotes) Occasionally, I like to select a mentor, a master, and let him guide me through a revision of one of my paintings... I try to move into his terrain, bringing my own ammunition... I do not believe... that this belittles my own personality  (Paintings Quotes) My paintings have an ongoing dialogue with photography. There are many painters who would say the same, I’m sure. The difference is that I’m thinking more about the temporal aspect of photography, rather than the visual  (Paintings Quotes) Not everybody paints what the public will pay for. The method in which an artist receives money is nobody’s business, what matters is that paintings are produced  (Paintings Quotes) Paintings must be understood through the eyes, and that’s not the word either. No writing, no talking, no singing, no dancing will explain them. They are the final, the nth whoopee of sight  (Paintings Quotes) I’m able to sign my name to the paintings. That is really a blessing  (Paintings Quotes) I wish I felt energetic and could paint all the time, because there are so many paintings I’d like to do  (Paintings Quotes) Hyperrealism is more about objectifying... how an object can be portrayed when it is seen through a camera’s lens... all my paintings are about an object being viewed through human eyes  (Paintings Quotes) The fact is that until I saw paintings as icons, I couldn’t see why people painted at all  (Paintings Quotes) There are different paths that one can pursue as a painter. I work with the thesis that I have not as yet reached my goal. This engagement is the necessary basis from which I plan new paintings  (Paintings Quotes) I can’t tell a story in the white man’s language, so I say what I want to say with my paintings  (Paintings Quotes) My paintings and comedy have a lot in common. They are both improvisations based on observation  (Paintings Quotes) My paintings and sculptures, at first glance, may appear to be purely aesthetic; closer up, they are not. They hold a feeling of tentativeness, combined with a sense of arrival  (Paintings Quotes) Paintings invariably sum up; photographs usually do not. Photographic images are pieces of evidence in an ongoing biography or history. And one photograph, unlike one painting, implies that there will be others  (Paintings Quotes) Artists say that paintings are never done. I sort of feel the same way about music. I would never say something is perfect. There are performances that can generate a lot of emotion in me when I hear them, but I can’t say if anything is perfect  (Paintings Quotes) What has made it work, or what makes certain paintings successful or not, has to do with my being a painter and a thinking, feeling person, more than my sex, color, height, origin  (Paintings Quotes) Paintings, like dreams, have a life of their own and I have always painted very much the way I dream  (Paintings Quotes) You have to understand how the human eye behaves when it views a scene for the first time. Work with that knowledge, and your paintings will have more drama and will evoke strong reactions  (Paintings Quotes) What is bad painting? Picabia made some deliberately bad paintings, but they were by him, so great in a way  (Paintings Quotes) Why is comedy the only form of the arts where people think they have to agree with or approve the content? You don’t walk through a museum with a towel and throw it over paintings you don’t like  (Paintings Quotes) It’s all about commerce. Movies are not made like paintings, where you can make them for free and put them at the side. Movies are supposed to make money  (Paintings Quotes)
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