Palestinians Quotes
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Text Quotes
Palestinians caged up like animals (Palestinians Quotes)
Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (Palestinians Quotes)
I think it is essential for Israel’s survival as a Jewish and democratic state that we end the status quo. The preferred way to end the status quo would be on the basis of a two-state solution. We don’t want the Palestinians to be citizens of Israel, nor do we want them to be subjects. (Palestinians Quotes)
When all is said and done, it looks like the Palestinians have been massively robbed and abused, and are engaged in a desperate struggle for survival and liberation. Israel, on the other hand, would appear to be conducting an imperialistic campaign of oppression supported and substantially armed by the most powerful nation on earth (Palestinians Quotes)
The United States that has been involved first in the Gulf War and then in the tremendously damaging sanctions against Iraqi civilians. The United States that is the supporter of Israel against the Palestinians (Palestinians Quotes)
The Bush Administration’s failure to be consistently involved in helping Israel achieve peace with the Palestinians has been both wrong for our friendship with Israel, as well as badly damaging to our standing in the Arab world (Palestinians Quotes)
The crimes against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and elsewhere, particularly Lebanon, are so shocking that the only emotionally valid reaction is rage and a call for extreme actions. But that does not help the victims. And, in fact, it’s likely to harm them (Palestinians Quotes)
Both peoples, both nations, deserve a nation-state of their own. Palestinians, if they wish so, will go to the Palestinian state; Jews, if they so wish, can go to the Jewish state. And we’ll have to have security and demilitarization agreements between us. (Palestinians Quotes)
When a deeply sympathetic American president asks for concessions and compromises and appears able to cajole some from the Palestinians, which was the Clinton/Rabin and Bush/Sharon combination, Israel must respond. (Palestinians Quotes)
Arab youth are taught to wonder, ‘Since the Holocaust was a European affair, why are the Palestinians being forced to pay for the creation of Israel?’ (Palestinians Quotes)
I think the Obama administration, whether it’s in his first term or second term, is totally committed to the search for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and we greatly appreciate the president’s effort, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the first administration, now Secretary of State John Kerry. (Palestinians Quotes)
Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton supporting John Kerry. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on being - quote - neutral between Israel and the Palestinians. (Palestinians Quotes)
I’m on the board of directors for Peace Now, which works tirelessly between the Palestinians and the Israelis to create peace in the Middle East and we’ve never been closer. (Palestinians Quotes)
It is time to change our policy of appeasement toward the Palestinians, to strengthen our ties with the nation of Israel. (Palestinians Quotes)
When I said a few weeks ago that our people would eat cooking oil and olives if necessary, I didn’t mean that there really would be only oil and olives. What I meant was that our people have the necessary patience to endure the current difficult situation. Palestinians would rather do without certain food items than their national rights. (Palestinians Quotes)
For decades, the plight of the Palestinian people has been exacerbated by internal corruption, a lack of effective investment, and the political cynicism of the Arab states, who often did not have the best interests of the Palestinians at heart. (Palestinians Quotes)
I don’t want to govern the Palestinians. I don’t want them as subjects of Israel or as citizens of Israel. I want them to have their own independent state but a demilitarized state (Palestinians Quotes)
We have no desire to permanently rule over millions of Palestinians, who double their numbers every generation. Israel, which wishes to be an exemplary democracy, will not be able to bear such a reality over time. The Disengagement Plan presents the possibility of opening a gate to a different reality. (Palestinians Quotes)
Palestinians have had to live for a long time with the fact that Israelis had power over them in their everyday lives. (Palestinians Quotes)
My theology is such that the God who loves Israel and will not forsake Israel - which is why I want to see Israel have a secure nation with secure borders - also loves the Palestinians. (Palestinians Quotes)
It is true that a large percentage of the Western world hopes that I am imprisoned or dead. But all my people, the Palestinians and the Arabs, wish me long life and freedom. (Palestinians Quotes)
I’m telling Palestinians, Don’t use violence. We’re going to use the civilized means of international law to achieve our goals, our independence, our freedom. (Palestinians Quotes)
Our response has been, ‘Well, let’s then make an effort to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit around the table.’ That hasn’t happened. So we only have ourselves to blame for this crisis. (Palestinians Quotes)
I don’t think there’s going to be peace as long as Israel is occupying land that belongs to the Palestinians, to Lebanon and to Syria. (Palestinians Quotes)
The Fayyad cabinet may well be the best the Palestinians ever get. But whatever its good qualities, there is no democracy. (Palestinians Quotes)
We’re willing to make difficult and hard decisions and compromises to live in peace with our neighbours, but we’re entitled to our own country where Jews from around the world can come here, just as Palestinians from around the world can come to the Palestinian state. (Palestinians Quotes)
I believe the Israelis have been wronged, but they also have a lot to apologize for. And I believe the Palestinians have been wronged, but they have a lot to apologize for, as well. (Palestinians Quotes)
By focusing once and for all on helping the Palestinians build a free society, I have no doubt that an historic compromise between Israelis and Palestinians can be reached and that peace can prevail. (Palestinians Quotes)
I have written about the dispossessed, immigrants, the condition of women who do not enjoy the same legal rights as men, the Palestinians who are deprived of their land and condemned to exile (Palestinians Quotes)
The Israeli government has proved over the past year it's commitment to peace, both in words and deeds. By contrast, the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years (Palestinians Quotes)
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