Pamela Anderson Quotes

Text Quotes
Basically, I’m a free spirit. I’m kind of an Everywoman (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
My boots use recycled electronics and recycled plastics from the ocean (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I don’t wear sunscreen. I don’t have a skincare program (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Men are just like a book - with a beginning, middle and an end (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I think I’m a different person with different people (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I’m never away from my boys for more than three days (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Basically, I’m a free spirit. I’m kind of an Everywoman. (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I have a soft spot for bad boys (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I’m an immigrant myself. It was a tough road to come to America and work (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I am the ultimate California girl, which is funny, being that I’m Canadian (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I have always liked the Kennedys as politicians. They had such great hair (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I have two homes in Malibu, a home in Canada that I’m building, and I just love pouring my heart out into this part of my life (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
My dad read the Bible ten times, and I want to do it in my lifetime. But it’s definitely tough getting through (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
If people knew how KFC treats its chickens, they’d never eat another drumstick (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
It’s great being blonde - with such low expectations it’s easy to impress (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Tattoos are like stories - they’re symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
The bust of Colonel Sanders stands as a monument to cruelty and has no place in the Kentucky state Capitol (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
There’s no way I set out to be a certain kind of symbol - the way I dress is the way I am, the way I live my life (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I’ve been variations of vegetarian for over 20 years. I’m Canadian so I always say, be the best you can be (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
The more [animal products] you remove from your diet, the better you feel. The difference between vegetarian and vegan is huge. I feel so much better as a vegan (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Obviously, I think being vegan is important. But no one should judge anybody. I’m not a dictator and I don’t expect anyone to be any certain way (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Young people understand that you don’t have to wear or eat animals. I get that it can be cheaper to use animal products - but using animals really cuts corners (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
There’s never going to be a great misunderstanding of me. I think I’m a little whacked (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I thought of a great way to celebrate my Finnish heritage at home. I’m going to look into opening a chain of strip clubs, and I’ll call them Lapland!!! (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
What’s going on outside? It was really nice - all the fans out there with big signs (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
My hair was so much a part of my personality and all my photo shoots. I hid behind my hair. And then, I just decided I was okay with myself. To have short hair and really show my face is even more revealing than anything. It’s a statement - not to everyone else, more to myself. I’m just ready to get out from behind my hair and be myself (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
Good Viking genes, being vegetarian and having rowdy dogs and kids definitely keep me in shape. Not eating meat gives me the energy I need to keep up with work, family and travel - I’m very active (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to come here. We don’t get to hear about all the wonderful things in Israel, and just looking out my window here at the hotel and seeing the beautiful beach, my goodness, it’s gorgeous! I’m sure I’ll be going back with raving reviews (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
I do a lot for PETA. I do a lot of things I think are really important, I volunteer at school and I’m still amazed I can pay my bills because I feel like I don’t work that much, I really don’t (Pamela Anderson Quotes)
People always tell me, ‘Reinvent yourself, re-this, re-whatever.’ I haven’t reinvented myself. It’s an honest evolution. I’ve always been authentic (Pamela Anderson Quotes)