Panchatantra Quotes

Text Quotes
There are some who bear a grudge even to those that do them good (Panchatantra Quotes)
Virtues are virtues only to those who can appreciate them (Panchatantra Quotes)
There is no gathering the rose without being pricked by the thorns (Panchatantra Quotes)
Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes (Panchatantra Quotes)
He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses (Panchatantra Quotes)
Though it be disfigured by many defects, to whom is his own body not dear? (Panchatantra Quotes)
Made wary by impostors, men look for something wrong even in the righteous (Panchatantra Quotes)
Kings, women, and creeping vines as a rule embrace whatever is beside them (Panchatantra Quotes)
Get wealth when you have it not; guard what you have got; increase what you have guarded; and bestow on worthy persons what you have increased (Panchatantra Quotes)
Better have as king a vulture advised by swans than a swan advised by vultures (Panchatantra Quotes)
Not a gift of a cow, nor a gift of land, nor yet a gift of food, is so important as the gift of safety, which is declared to be the great gift among all gifts in this world (Panchatantra Quotes)
We ought to do our neighbour all the good we can. If you do good, good will be done to you; but if you do evil, the same will be measured back to you again (Panchatantra Quotes)
Honest men esteem and value nothing so much in this world as a real friend. Such a one is, as it were, another self (Panchatantra Quotes)
It has been the providence of nature to give this creature nine lives instead of one (Panchatantra Quotes)
One who speaks aright never says his say at an unsuitable place or time, nor before one of immature faculties or without excellence. This is why his words are not spoken in vain (Panchatantra Quotes)
Whole surfaces are carried away even from a mountain when undermined by a gentle flow of water; how much more the soft hearts of men by clever persons who attack them with slander! (Panchatantra Quotes)
The hurricane does not uproot grasses, which are pliant and bow low before it on every side. It is only the lofty trees that it attacks (Panchatantra Quotes)
Do not trust a malicious man because you have long been intimate with him. A serpent will still bite, though it may have been kept and tended a long time (Panchatantra Quotes)
Learning, the destroyer of arrogance, begets arrogance in fools; even as light, that illumines the eye, makes owls blind (Panchatantra Quotes)
He whose anger is due to a cause will surely be appeased when the cause is removed. But if his mind harbours groundless hate, how shall another appease him? (Panchatantra Quotes)
One should seek for the salutary in the unpleasant; if it is there, it is after all nectar. One should seek for the deceitful in the pleasant; if it is there, it is after all poison (Panchatantra Quotes)
False is the praise which says that men’s eminence comes from their noble qualities; for the people of this world as a rule do not care about a man’s true nature (Panchatantra Quotes)
If men are only shrewd enough, they may even serve kings, eat poison, and dally with women (Panchatantra Quotes)
By associating with good and evil persons a man acquires the virtues and vices which they possess, even as the wind blowing over different places takes along good and bad odours (Panchatantra Quotes)