Paper Quotes

Text Quotes
There is something about libraries, old libraries, that makes them seem almost sacred. There’s a smell of paper and must and binding stuff. It’s like all the books are fighting against decay, against turning into dust, and at the same time fighting for attention (Paper Quotes)
I like radically cutting into the painting, inserting these paper birds, and then trying to figure out how to believe in it (Paper Quotes)
A book is a book only when it is read; otherwise it is a bundle of gathered sheets of soiled paper (Paper Quotes)
I don’t make notes for myself because I either lose them or they make no sense to me at all. I once found a piece of paper with the note: everything. Apparently I made a note to myself not to forget everything! (Paper Quotes)
There’s nothing you can learn in three years studying media at university that you can’t learn in just one month on a local paper (Paper Quotes)
You can’t put much on paper before you betray your secret self, try as you will to keep things civil (Paper Quotes)
Most children, even very bright ones, need constant review and practice to truly own a concept in grammar, math or science. In schools today, on paper it may appear that kids are learning skills, but in reality they are only renting them, soon to forget what they’ve learned over the weekend or summer vacation (Paper Quotes)
My perfect morning is spent drinking coffee, eating porridge and reading the paper at a local cafe (Paper Quotes)
I’m a rewriter. That’s the part I like best... once I have a pile of paper to work with, it’s like having the pieces of a puzzle. I just have to put the pieces together to make a picture (Paper Quotes)
There is no such thing as a paper loss. A paper loss is a very real loss (Paper Quotes)
The history of this paper suggests that highly speculative investigations, especially by an unknown author, are best brought before the world through some other channel than a scientific society, which naturally hesitates to admit into its printed records matters of uncertain value. Perhaps one may go further and say that a young author who believes himself capable of great things would usually do well to secure the favourable recognition of the scientific world by work whose scope is limited and whose value is easily judged, before embarking upon higher flights (Paper Quotes)
This looks a good team on paper, let’s see how it looks on grass (Paper Quotes)
It’s expensive to keep communism alive today. I’ve already got a huge foreign debt staring me in the face, and I can’t reduce it by exporting tomatoes or toilet paper. We should be making dollars any way we can. And we should be exporting arms any way and every way, openly and secretly, legally or by smuggling, I don’t care how (Paper Quotes)
They did not believe in making any contracts. They believed that as long as you were organized, you could hold the office to what it said it was going to do. But a contract, a piece of paper held you and so they didn’t make any contracts (Paper Quotes)
The written word is redundant on the high seas. Why? Because paper gets wet too easily (Paper Quotes)
I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters (Paper Quotes)
It is no accident that you are reading this. I am making black marks on white paper. These marks are my thoughts, and although I do not know who you are reading this... the lines of our lives have intersected. For the length of these few sentences, we meet here. It is no accident that you are reading this. This moment has been waiting for you, I have been waiting for you. Remember me (Paper Quotes)
Your hands are not made to type out memos. Or put paper through fax machines. Or hold a phone up while you talk to people you dislike. 100 years from now your hands will rot like dust in your grave. You have to make wonderful use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so they can make magic (Paper Quotes)
If you want to live a meaningfully better life, you’re going to have to make the dangerous choice to dissent. A life lived meaningfully isn’t denominated by digital friends, designer logos, or wads of paper notes. It’s denominated by what you’ve lived, what it’s worth to you, and what that’s worth to humanity (Paper Quotes)
The world is complex, dynamic, multidimensiona l; the paper is static, flat. How are we to represent the rich visual world of experience and measurement on mere flatland? (Paper Quotes)
There was something soothing about the crackle of paper, the smell of ink, and the soft scratching of nibs and brushes (Paper Quotes)
If you truly are going to be a writer, there must be somewhere within you the drive, the desire, to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, and actually write (Paper Quotes)
You have to focus on what you’re passionate about. For me it’s the forests and of course, because I’m concerned about the forests, I’m concerned about the way paper is made (Paper Quotes)
If I have the option, I always read the paper or a book or something I can touch and destroy in my own hands (Paper Quotes)
The infectious values and myths transmitted by bad sportswriters may be the deadliest words in the paper (Paper Quotes)
A blank page of paper and a pen is the greatest invention its so exciting to be confronted by possibility (Paper Quotes)
From the plough to paper, from the wheel to house, from tool handles to sailing ships. Man would have been nothing without trees (Paper Quotes)
I did not agree.. to having my article censored... The published report of the conference gives my name as a participant, but you will not find in it the paper I read... Scientists as a group are no more, and no less, influenced by emotional and irrational reactions than other people are (Paper Quotes)
Everything I do is just really my intuition, and every time I go against my intuition, it’s a mistake. Even though I may sit down and analyze and intellectualize something on paper, if I go against my gut feeling, it’s wrong (Paper Quotes)
I know there are writers who get up every morning and sit by their typewriter or word processor or pad of paper and wait to write. I don’t function that way. I go through a long period of gestation before I’m even ready to write (Paper Quotes)