Paper Quotes

Text Quotes
It took man thousands of years to put words down on paper, and his lawyers still wish he wouldn’t (Paper Quotes)
Ideas are elusive, slippery things. Best to keep a pad of paper and a pencil at your bedside, so you can stab them during the night before they get away (Paper Quotes)
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning (Paper Quotes)
I found one remaining box of comics which I had saved. When I opened it up and that smell came pouring out, that old paper smell, I was struck by a rush of memories, a sense of my childhood self that seemed to be contained in there (Paper Quotes)
The moment a man sets his thoughts down on paper, however secretly, he is in a sense writing for publication (Paper Quotes)
In the information society, nobody thinks. We expect to banish paper, but we actually banish thought (Paper Quotes)
My own experience has been that the tools I need for my trade are paper, tobacco, food, and a little whisky (Paper Quotes)
If you’re going to buy a real book, a paper book, there better be a good reason. Perhaps scarcity is one of those reasons (Paper Quotes)
May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air (Paper Quotes)
Only a fool permits the letter of the law to override the spirit in the heart. Do not let a piece of paper stand in the way of true love and headlines (Paper Quotes)
A playwright... is... the litmus paper of the arts. He’s got to be, because if he isn’t working on the same wave length as the audience, no one would know what in hell he was talking about (Paper Quotes)
The painter puts brush to canvas, and the poet puts pen to paper. The poet has the easier task, for his pen does not alter his rhyme (Paper Quotes)
Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand to your pencil to your paper till you get the answer (Paper Quotes)
I always carry lots of stuff with me wherever I roam, always weighted down with books, with cassettes, with pens and paper, just in case I get the urge to sit down somewhere, and oh, I don’t know, read something or write my masterpiece (Paper Quotes)
To look at the paper is to raise a seashell to one’s ear and to be overwhelmed by the roar of humanity (Paper Quotes)
This is where I begin to do the writing. I am now going to be the pen and not the paper (Paper Quotes)
A book on cheap paper does not convince. It is not prized, it is like a wheezy doctor with pigtail tobacco breath, who needs a manicure (Paper Quotes)
I don’t know how much money I’ve got. I did ask the accountant how much it came to. I wrote it down on a bit of paper. But I’ve lost the bit of paper (Paper Quotes)
Government is the only institution that can take a valuable commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink (Paper Quotes)
Progress, under whose feet the grass mourns and the forest turns into paper from which newspaper plants grow, has subordinated the purpose of life to the means of subsistence and turned us into the nuts and bolts for our tools (Paper Quotes)
I’ve never been a very prolific person, so when creativity flows, it flows. I find myself scribbling on little notepads and pieces of loose paper, which results in a very small portion of my writings to ever show up in true form (Paper Quotes)
To read a paper book is another experience: you can do it on a ship, on the branch of a tree, on your bed, even if there is a blackout (Paper Quotes)
Paper is a uniquely beautiful format, more so than the web, I think: you need to invest in the aesthetics (Paper Quotes)
Indeed, I am repeatedly astonished by the number of really good writers who understand human beings so well on paper but don’t know how to deal with them in real life (Paper Quotes)
Most times, your blessings are also your curses. And for me, I have this ability to express myself so clearly with pen and paper, but when it comes to expressing myself verbally, I put up a big wall (Paper Quotes)
If someone says something unpleasant, I can’t say it doesn’t smart a bit. It always does. Someone can take a really nasty swipe if they want because it kind of feels powerful for a person to write in a paper and get that thing out there (Paper Quotes)
You have moments of grief in life, and if you can put pen to paper and capture that, that’s something wonderful. I can revisit actual songs about past deaths, and I know that emotion is as true now as it was then (Paper Quotes)
My perfect day is sitting in a room with some blank paper. That’s heaven. That’s gold, and anything else is just a waste of time (Paper Quotes)
I really can’t be bothered going to a barber. And shaving every morning, that’s nightmarish. I spent my teenage years covered in tiny little bits of toilet paper (Paper Quotes)
Paper acts as an eraser on the mind, as soon as you look at what you’ve written (Paper Quotes)