Paper Quotes

Text Quotes
My mother was a reporter, and though she quit when they had kids, she still loved it. She told me about the people at the paper and the articles she wrote. She had the best memory of anyone I know, and she could really tell a tale. (Paper Quotes)
I don’t write directly on to the computer because I don’t think well facing forward with fingers on a keyboard. I think better looking down holding a pen. And the concentration quotient of pen and paper is higher than when I’m moving words around on screen. (Paper Quotes)
I start to think, and then I sink Into the paper like I was ink When I’m writing, I’m trapped in between the lines I escape when I finish the rhyme. (Paper Quotes)
I wanna live like Arnold, Willis and Mr. Drummond... And keep my paper sturdy, big birds and tight herbs. (Paper Quotes)
A big book is a hard thing to manage - I find the computer makes it easier to keep it in order, and to keep the old drafts (which I sometimes go back to) without drowning in paper. (Paper Quotes)
Lack of courage is what makes big dreams to sit in the ink of the paper instead of them running in the shoes of actions. Without courage, you remain a dreamer! (Paper Quotes)
We all believe what we read. I read how Tom Cruise and I were two big egos holding up shooting. I know that isn’t true - but if I wasn’t making a movie with him and I just picked up the paper, I’d believe it. That’s interesting, isn’t it? (Paper Quotes)
I know a lot of writers who would much rather be writing the Great American Novel, but they’ve got bills to pay and alimony, and so they take a job at a less-than-reputable paper. You know, you do what you gotta do. (Paper Quotes)
I wrapped my Christmas presents early this year, but I used the wrong paper. See, the paper I used said ‘Happy Birthday’ on it. I didn’t want to waste it so I just wrote ‘Jesus’ on it. (Paper Quotes)
I just start with a pencil and paper. I don’t want something too trendy, too fashion-forward. I don’t want to make something I consider a regular person couldn’t wear with blue jeans. But I don’t want to make something that other people make, either - like a skinny black suit in a shiny material that you can buy anywhere. (Paper Quotes)
Don’t take purposeless people as your leaders. Their life is like an empty book with a nice cover paper and you have attempted to buy it. Of which use will it be to you for you to read blank pages. (Paper Quotes)
To paint an image and to write a poem, is to reclaim the dignity and personal is an invitation for my creative contemplation of an opened is a storytelling venture on a blank page of paper and white is reclaiming my life. (Paper Quotes)
Writing is very difficult. You have 120 pages of blank paper and it’s like, Go fill that up with some funny stuff, and that’s challenging. (Paper Quotes)
My perfect day is sitting in a room with some blank paper. That’s heaven. That’s gold, and anything else is just a waste of time. (Paper Quotes)
The idea that man is a tabula rasa, or Mao’s sheet of blank paper upon which the most beautiful characters can be written, is an old one with disastrous implications. I do not think though that the cults you mention could survive honest thought about human nature. (Paper Quotes)
The writer learns to write, in the last resort, only by writing. He must get words onto paper even if he is dissatisfied with them. A young writer must cross many psychological barriers to acquire confidence in his capacity to produce good work-especially his first full-length book-and he cannot do this by staring at a piece of blank paper, searching for the perfect sentence. (Paper Quotes)
Writing in a journal is just a stall, a waiting game, a way to tell yourself that you’re working when you’re not, that you’re doing something of value when you’re just using up paper, that you’re a writer when in fact you’re just going through the motions of one. Look at me! I have blank paper in front of me-and now I’m filling it, with words! (Paper Quotes)
When some guy shows up with a shopping bag full of records and CD’s and wants me to sign every one plus fifteen pieces of blank paper I wonder what the hell is he doing with all of that? (Paper Quotes)
I did actually sit down with a blank sheet of paper once. I think the phone rang and that was the end of my literary career. (Paper Quotes)
It’s a very excruciating life facing that blank piece of paper every day and having to reach up somewhere into the clouds and bring something down out of them. (Paper Quotes)
In occupied Iraq, the introduction of new paper money took almost a year, 20 or so Boeing 747s, the mobilisation of the U.S. military’s might, three printing firms, and hundreds of trucks. (Paper Quotes)
A book is not necessarily made of paper. A book is not necessarily made to be read on a Kindle. A book is a collection of text, organized in one of a variety of ways. You could say that words printed on paper and bound between cloth covers will someday be obsolete. But if and when that day comes, there will still be a thing called books. (Paper Quotes)
To compare books to computers, I mean, computers are the way to get books. That is the medium for distributing text because it doesn’t require paper. (Paper Quotes)
Europe is not becoming more unified - well, yes, on paper - but not as long as the criteria for so many things (import regulations, border control, visa politics...etc.) are still made in an unjust, unreasonable way. (Paper Quotes)
When I feel that I’m going to write a detective story, I buy a five pound box of chocolates and a ream of paper. When the candy is all gone and the paper all used up, I know that the book is long enough. (Paper Quotes)
I wanna stay an eternal girlfriend. I want to have my boyfriend’s children, but I don’t think we need a piece of paper to regulate the game, and we don’t have to go through the whole stress of a wedding and suffering to throw a good party. (Paper Quotes)
I was 16 and got my boyfriend’s name tattooed on me. Don’t do it. ‘Cause it hurts. The moment you do it, the next month, the next year, you’ll be broken up - trust me - and cover-ups hurt. You can show your love in other ways. Ink is not it. Write it on a piece of paper and mail it to him. (Paper Quotes)
Instead of Rock, Paper, Scissors, you could play Brick, Blanket, Action Fingers, in which brick cripples action fingers, blanket smothers brick and action fingers beats blanket. (Paper Quotes)
What I play now isn’t surf music. It’s too powerful. I used to go through paper bags; now I go through brick walls. I play hard. (Paper Quotes)
I like paper statements rather than relying on computers. I feel more in control if my account details and transactions are broken down on paper. (Paper Quotes)