Paper Quotes

Text Quotes
It was a marriage of two minds, of two... spirits tilting as gently and inescapably toward the future as paper whites tilt toward the sun (Paper Quotes)
In bad weather, I spent hours drawing action figures on paper, coloring them, backing them on cardboard, then cutting them out and creating whole stories around their lives (Paper Quotes)
To my collaborator who buys the ink and paper laughs and, in fact, does all the really difficult part of the business this book is gratefully dedicated in memory of a winter's morning in switzerland (Paper Quotes)
The story of my very first sale is the fact that I dreamed up a foolproof paper to cheat an insurance company out of several hundred thousand dollars (Paper Quotes)
In simple hearts the feeling for the beauty and grandeur of nature is a hundred fold stronger and more vivid than in us, ecstatic composers of narratives in words and on paper (Paper Quotes)
I'm not a good kid. Yeah, look, I'm just a piece of paper with the word sad and a bunch of cuss words written on it. A lousy piece of paper. That's me. A piece of paper that's waiting to be torn up (Paper Quotes)
Critics on verse, as squibs on triumphs wait, proclaim their glory, and augment the state; hot, envious, noisy, proud, the scribbling fry burn, hiss, and bounce, waste paper, ink, and die (Paper Quotes)
Nothing quite has reality for me till I write it all down - revising and embellishing as I go. I'm always waiting for things to be over so I can get home and commit them to paper (Paper Quotes)
The thing to remember when you're writing is, it's not whether or not what you put on paper is true. It's whether it wakes a truth in your reader (Paper Quotes)
Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring and half of my heart is the part of a man who's never truly loved anything (Paper Quotes)
Dr. Parker and all my parents live in a paper mache world. They just patch up problems with strips of newspaper and a little glue (Paper Quotes)
It was one of those evenings when men feel that truth, goodness and beauty are one. In the morning, when they commit their discovery to paper, when others read it written there, it looks wholly ridiculous (Paper Quotes)
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs, make dust our paper, and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the Earth. Let's choose executors and talk of wills (Paper Quotes)
He hath never fed of the dainties that are bred in a book; he hath not eat paper, as it were; he hath not drunk ink; his intellect is not replenished (Paper Quotes)
Books are but waste paper unless we spend in action the wisdom we get from thought - asleep. When we are weary of the living, we may repair to the dead, who have nothing of peevishness, pride, or design in their conversation (Paper Quotes)
I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up (Paper Quotes)
Yes, and I can sit down on a white piece of paper and work because I don't believe too much into inspiration, only I'm waiting for inspiration, work and then inspiration may come. It's a little too easy to say that (Paper Quotes)
Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges. Which are employed altogether for their benefit (Paper Quotes)
You have all these people in the city and everything has become centralized. If you live outside the city and you need a birth certificate or some official paper from the government, you have to travel to the city (Paper Quotes)
Take your paper too, and let me have them very well perfumed, for she is sweeter than perfume itself To whom they go (Paper Quotes)
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward (Paper Quotes)
Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so easy as looking at it (Paper Quotes)
There is no doubt that, since 1977 and the launch of Apple II - the first computer it produced for the mass market - many things which used to be done on paper, or on the telephone, have been done easier and faster on a screen (Paper Quotes)
If Helen of Troy could have been seen eating peppermints out of a paper bag, it is highly probable that her admirers would have been an entirely different class. It is the thing you are found doing while the horde looks on that you shall be loved for - or ignored (Paper Quotes)
My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way (Paper Quotes)
Engineering is a great profession. There is the satisfaction of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realisation in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings homes to men or women. Then it elevates the standard of living and adds to the comforts of life. This is the engineer's high privilege (Paper Quotes)
Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. and the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make (Paper Quotes)
Computers may save time but they sure waste a lot of paper. About 98 percent of everything printed out by a computer is garbage that no one ever reads (Paper Quotes)
I obviously have a knack for getting on paper what a lot of people have thought and didn't realize they thought. and they say, 'Hey, yeah!' and they like that (Paper Quotes)
Film will only became an art when it's materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper (Paper Quotes)