Part of Christian belief is to find out what's true about Jesus and let that challenge our culture

Part of Christian belief is to find out what's true about Jesus and let that challenge our culture
N.T. Wright, a prominent theologian and scholar, has long emphasized the importance of understanding the historical Jesus and allowing his teachings to challenge and transform our cultural beliefs and practices. Wright argues that part of Christian belief is not simply accepting Jesus as a figure of faith, but actively seeking to uncover the truth about who he was and what he taught.Wright's approach to Christianity is rooted in his belief that the Gospels provide us with a reliable historical record of Jesus' life and ministry. By studying these texts in their historical context, Wright believes that we can gain a deeper understanding of Jesus' message and mission. This understanding, in turn, should challenge us to reexamine our own cultural assumptions and values in light of Jesus' teachings.
One of the key aspects of Jesus' message that Wright emphasizes is the idea of the kingdom of God. Jesus proclaimed the arrival of God's kingdom on earth and called his followers to live in accordance with its values of love, justice, and compassion. Wright argues that this message should challenge us to question the ways in which our culture often prioritizes power, wealth, and success over the well-being of others.
Wright also highlights the radical nature of Jesus' teachings, which often ran counter to the prevailing cultural norms of his time. Jesus challenged the religious authorities of his day, overturned social hierarchies, and called his followers to love their enemies and care for the marginalized. Wright suggests that these teachings should prompt us to question our own cultural practices and attitudes, particularly in relation to issues of social justice and equality.
Overall, Wright's work encourages Christians to engage in a thoughtful and critical examination of their beliefs and practices in light of the historical Jesus. By seeking to understand the truth about Jesus and allowing his teachings to challenge our cultural assumptions, we can strive to live more faithfully in accordance with the values of God's kingdom.