Participate Quotes

Text Quotes
Over the years, I observed that many talented graphic designers, including those in my own family, had difficulty getting their designs to market. I thought it would be possible to hold open stationery design competitions where all designers could participate (Participate Quotes)
I was very innocent and shielded as a child, so I didn’t know a lot about music or dancing. When I was in Primary Six, no one would participate in a talent show, so I decided to go on. When the audience applauded me, I felt euphoric, and I started dancing right after that! (Participate Quotes)
Democracy is a daring concept - a hope that we’ll be best governed if all of us participate in the act of government. It is meant to be a conversation, a place where the intelligence and local knowledge of the electorate sums together to arrive at actions that reflect the participation of the largest possible number of people (Participate Quotes)
Whenever I organize or participate in public protest I get really worried that it will just suck, be really small, embarrassing, and the media will laugh at me. Oftentimes, it is really small and most of the time the media laughs at us (Participate Quotes)
Feminism is not only for women It’s something everyone can participate in, and evolve together, as the first step in the right direction. I see feminism as a tool to achieve that balance and peace (Participate Quotes)
Doing difficult things like passing marriage equality, passing the Dream Act, doing common sense things that allow new American immigrants to fully participate, pay their taxes, play by the rules and take care of their families. That’s the inclusive America that I believe all of us want to move to. (Participate Quotes)
Civic participants don’t aim to make life better merely for members of the group. They want to improve even the lives of people who never participate... (Participate Quotes)
The stories we tell about each other matter very much. The stories we tell ourselves about our own lives matter. And most of all, I think the way that we participate in each other’s stories is of deep importance. (Participate Quotes)
Once the social and spiritual opening was created for women in the form of spiritualism, suddenly ambitious women who wanted to participate in the culture had a kind of a voice. (Participate Quotes)
I decided early on that I wanted to participate in the greater American experience, rather than the parochial one in Mississippi. But I have an urge as a writer to meld the Southern experience into the larger American one. (Participate Quotes)
...eating animals involves an intentional decision to participate in the suffering and death of nonhumans where there is no plausible moral justification. (Participate Quotes)
I have excellent relationships with Jewish organizations and participate every year in a Hanukkah celebration with my family. There haven’t been any anti-Semitic tendencies in my team for a long time. (Participate Quotes)
Well I haven’t seen any free elections in the Arab world. They may be coming someday, except for in Israel. In Israel, Arabs have a chance to participate in free elections. Nowhere else really. (Participate Quotes)
The United States supports the reintegration of people who have fought with the Taliban into Afghan society provided they: one, renounce al Qaeda, two, lay down their arms and renounce violence, and three, participate in the public political life of the country in accordance with the constitution. (Participate Quotes)
I do think that part of literature’s job is to comment on and participate in the social issues of the time. (Participate Quotes)
Our stand is crystal-clear - we want peace in Ukraine, which can only be attained through broad national dialogue in which all regions and all political forces of the country must participate. (Participate Quotes)
For me, I don’t participate in the filming when I represent a reality show star in a case, because that would mean waiving my right to attorney-client privilege, and that would hamper my ability to mount an effective case. (Participate Quotes)
Russia and China, when they were communist-like adversaries, they didn’t participate. They’re participating now in the world with us. They’re trading monetary instruments. We’re buying and selling goods back and forth, trading oil and so forth. (Participate Quotes)
The greatest testimony to the human spirit that I’m witnessing now is the fact that people still come back to work, after all that has been done to them. They are still willing to participate for a more positive future if they would be sincerely invited. (Participate Quotes)
We need policy change, and the most important thing people can do is to contribute and participate in the political process. We have to vote climate change deniers and people who will create subsidies for the fossil fuel industry out of office. We have to protest when bad decisions are being made about fracking or tar sands. (Participate Quotes)
Participate in your life, don’t just bear witness to the rain washing you away (Participate Quotes)
I think there’s a lot projected on beautiful women, period. At least, maybe this is just my fear, but I do sometimes feel dismissed before I’ve even been allowed to participate. I have moments of feeling really wounded. But I am pretty optimistic, and I do enjoy a lot of my life. (Participate Quotes)
The beauty of this country and what people participate in is the competitive nature that we allow to exist and the fact is that we are better because we have great competitors. (Participate Quotes)
This is what you work for, putting all the other crap that you hear aside. Just being able to participate in a World Series is pretty much everything. But you do want to win! (Participate Quotes)
In many countries, schools are preparing students to participate in a democratic environment; yet schools themselves tend to be extremely autocratic, with all high-level decisions being made by adults. (Participate Quotes)
I remember being at school during morning meeting and looking around at everybody, 350 kids, saying a prayer. We’re all very young and no one knows what it means, and I remember feeling strange that people were just repeating words that they didn’t understand. I refused to participate. For some reason I always rejected it, but respectfully. (Participate Quotes)
I think the important thing to learn is that we can retain a sentimental loyalty to the cultural and literary traditions of, say, Judaism, Anglicanism or Islam, and even participate in religious rituals such as marriages and funerals, without buying into the supernatural beliefs that historically went along with those traditions. We can give up belief in God while not losing touch with a treasured heritage. (Participate Quotes)
While our institutional mission and destiny are not in doubt, how we each participate and understand our individual responsibilities requires constant attention, effort, and vigilance. BYU will progress and prosper, but our individual success is not guaranteed without our own personal best efforts and worthily received blessings. (Participate Quotes)
Why was Donald Trump’s decision not to participate in the Fox debate such a big deal? (Participate Quotes)
The problem is that in order to publish a book in mainland China, you have to agree to be subject to censorship. That’s the nature of the system. I don’t challenge that system on its face. It’s their system. But as an author, I have a choice to make whether I’ll participate or I won’t. (Participate Quotes)