Participation Quotes

Text Quotes
Citizen participation is a device whereby public officials induce nonpublic individuals to act in a way the officials desire (Participation Quotes)
The participation of our country in the eurozone is a guarantee for the country’s monetary stability. It is a driver of financial prosperity (Participation Quotes)
Many activities and team play participation will give you a training that will prove invaluable later on in life (Participation Quotes)
Having played an angel for so long, you can imagine that I’ve been asked to endorse any number of causes over the years. Obviously I have to limit my participation with any charity, so I decided to really concentrate on my love of children (Participation Quotes)
And while national military forces have historically resisted the full participation of women soldiers, female talent has found plenty of scope in revolutionary and terrorist groups around the planet (Participation Quotes)
I even believe in helping an employer function more productively. For then, we will have a claim to higher wages, shorter hours, and greater participation in the benefits of running a smooth industrial machine (Participation Quotes)
There’s no way that if you get participation out of a person can they say you didn’t rock it (Participation Quotes)
And, over the last thirty years we have seen men’s participation in both housework and childcare has increased and women’s have stayed at about the same (Participation Quotes)
The crude product of nature, the object fashioned by the industry of man, acquire their reality, their identity, only to the extent of their participation in a transcendent reality (Participation Quotes)
They are a very extensive minority who have suffered discrimination and who have the same right to participation in the promise and fruits of society as every other individual (Participation Quotes)
But, you know, I’m sorry, I think democracy requires participation. I mean, I don’t want to proselytize but I do feel some sort of duty to participate in the process in some way other than just blindly getting behind a political party (Participation Quotes)
White supremacy is the conscious or unconscious belief or the investment in the inherent superiority of some, while others are believed to be innately inferior. And it doesn’t demand the individual participation of the singular bigot. It is a machine operating in perpetuity, because it doesn’t demand that somebody be in place driving (Participation Quotes)
Watching the world’s best compete fires you up to achieve your own feats of greatness. When it comes to running, participation and spectating go hand in hand (Participation Quotes)
The void in our society has been produced by the absence of values... we have no widespread belief in the value of participation. The rational system has made us fear standing out in any serious way (Participation Quotes)
... we believe in the vocation of communion and participation of our people, who day to day awaken to their political conscience and express their desire for change and profound democratization of society. A change based on justice, built with love, and which will bring us the most anxiously desired fruits of peace (Participation Quotes)
If a blending of individualism and of cooperative participation is a prerequisite to a democratic solution of the problems of a society of free men, it must also be noted that an atmosphere of freedom is required if these problems are to be met constructively and as they arise (Participation Quotes)
A lot of people don’t realize that about 98 percent of the running I put in is anything but glamorous: 2 percent joyful participation, 98 percent dedication! It’s a tough formula. Getting out in the forest in the biting cold and the flattening heat, and putting in kilometer after kilometer (Participation Quotes)
An effective leader creates specific, achievable goals, initiates action and enlists the participation of others. They remove distractions; grasps the bigger picture, focuses on one task at a time; completes the task competently and organizes for the future (Participation Quotes)
... that ultimate success in community leadership will only be achieved if it stimulates participation by others who are also to be seen as in their own way leaders and not merely helpers (Participation Quotes)
It is the multiplication of men who are exluded from working which provokes war. We ought at least to bear this in mind when we boast of the continual decrease in human participation in technical operations (Participation Quotes)
The era of using people as production tools is coming to an end. Participation is infinitely more complex to practice than conventional corporate unilateralism, just as democracy is much more cumbersome than dictatorship. But there will be few companies that can afford to ignore either of them (Participation Quotes)
There’s no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and working with the people who can make a difference. They get the benefit of your participation and you gain a direct understanding of the real problems and potential solutions, which makes you a more informed giver (Participation Quotes)
Becoming carbon neutral is only the beginning. The climate problem will not be solved by one company reducing its emissions to zero, and it won’t be solved by one government acting alone. The climate problem will not be solved without mass participation by the general public in countries around the globe (Participation Quotes)
You find that you have to do many things, more than just lift up the camera and shoot, and so you get involved in it in a very physical way. You may find that the picture you want to do can only be made from a certain place, and you’re not there, so you have to physically go there. And that participation may spur you on to work harder on the thing,... because in the physical change of position you start seeing a whole different relationship (Participation Quotes)
Poetry is my understanding with the world, my intimacy with things, my participation in what is real, my engagement with voices and images. This is why a poem speaks not of ideal life but of actual life: the angle of a window; the reverberation of streets, cities, rooms; shadows along a wall (Participation Quotes)
Massive shift from presentation to participation... people want to be part of to be part of the conversation (Participation Quotes)
There is no contest between the company that buys the grudging compliance of its work force and the company that enjoys the enterprising participation of its employees (Participation Quotes)
It is the women who are the leaders in change and without their participation poverty can never be removed (Participation Quotes)
A state is organic when it has a center, and this center is an idea that shapes the various domains of life in an efficacious way; it is organic when it ignores the division and the autonomization of the particular and when, by virtue of the system of hierarchical participation, every part within its relative autonomy performs its own function and enjoys an intimate connection with the whole (Participation Quotes)
Participation: What I intend to create is the opportunity for people to participate in the transformation of people. For me it is the highest expression of humanity to contribute, to facilitate, to participate in the transformation of humanity (Participation Quotes)