Pass Quotes

Text Quotes
My furniture, boxes, and turnings are simple, practical designs for everyday use. I love the grain and beauty of wood. Each piece of lumber is a work of art, after all, and I’d like to honor that gift and pass it on for someone else to appreciate. (Pass Quotes)
I’d advise you to visit New Orleans before you pass away. I really would. Because if you die without seeing New Orleans, you wasted half your life. (Pass Quotes)
We should look long and carefully at ourselves before we pass judgement on others (Pass Quotes)
E-Verify is a very commonsense reform that we can implement here in the state of Florida. I think I share a lot of Floridians’ frustration that it didn’t pass and a lot of the politics that were taking place behind the scenes. (Pass Quotes)
When we play the game like we’re supposed to play it, it is pretty easy. Making the extra pass, making the simple play, it’s not about between your legs, behind your back, and all of that, it’s just about scoring the bucket. (Pass Quotes)
Sense the blessings of the earth in the perfect arc of a ripe tangerine, the taste of warm, fresh bread, the circling flight of birds, the lavender color of the sky shining in a late afternoon rain puddle, the million times we pass other beings in our cars and shops and out among the trees without crashing, conflict, or harm. (Pass Quotes)
Being engaged with life. One has to develop a poet’s eye for perfect moments, moments that most people pass by. (Pass Quotes)
I began acting at age eight, but if you don’t stay on your game then people pass on you. Being on a show, it’s a little easy to get comfortable, so I’m trying to get back on it. I’m taking some acting classes and watching movies, and I’m just trying to stay up with other actors. (Pass Quotes)
In their eyes as they pass is not hatred, not excitement, not despair, not the tonic of their victory - there is just the simple expression of being here as though they had been here doing this forever, and nothing else. (Pass Quotes)
A man that should call everything by its right name would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy. (Pass Quotes)
I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. (Pass Quotes)
Find something to believe in, and find it for yourself. And when you do - pass it on to the future. (Pass Quotes)
I never stopped believing in my ability or what I was doing. I want to pass that sense of faith and perseverance on to others. (Pass Quotes)
I was probably in the best shape of any athlete at the time, but you don’t get to pass judgment on yourself. (Pass Quotes)
None of my books are best-sellers. In fact, the only thing that’s kept me alive is the books that are in paperback. People find them, they like them, and they pass them on. (Pass Quotes)
When you have a fortune that is almost hard to imagine, the best thing is not to pass that on to one’s children. That distorts their life situation. (Pass Quotes)
Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. (Pass Quotes)
These are tough times, and the New Yorkers I have met are facing economic adversity with grace and dignity. They worry about their future, care about their neighbors and hope this storm will pass so they can focus on better days ahead. (Pass Quotes)
Athletes and musicians make astronomical amounts of money. People get paid $100 million to throw a baseball! Shouldn’t we all take less and pass some of that money onto others? Think about firefighters, teachers and policemen. We should celebrate people that are intellectually smart and trying to make this world a better place. (Pass Quotes)
The more knowledge you’ve got, the more understanding you have, the better you are able to implement and pass it on to others. (Pass Quotes)
As you pass through bhakti yoga, as you pass through love, you’re elated. You’re fulfilled and you’re joyous. (Pass Quotes)
Perhaps if I knew I would be stranded on an island with but one book, I would choose the Bible. For no religious reason whatsoever, but because of the varieties of stories, which might be useful as the days pass. (Pass Quotes)
Law is a silvery web that lets the big flies pass and catches all the small ones (Pass Quotes)
It is doubtful that congress would pass the Bill of Rights if it were introduced today (Pass Quotes)
The stars begin to fade like guttering candles and are snuffed out one by one. Out in the depths of space the great celestial cities, the galaxies cluttered with the memorabilia of ages, are gradually dying. Tens of billions of years pass in the growing darkness ... of a universe condemned to become a galactic graveyard. (Pass Quotes)
I have come to the conclusion that a goodly number of the fables that pass under the name of the Samian slave, Aesop, were derived from India, probably from the same source whence the same tales were utilised in the Jatakas, or Birth-stories of Buddha. (Pass Quotes)
We inherit every one of our genes, but we leave the womb without a single microbe. As we pass through our mother’s birth canal, we begin to attract entire colonies of bacteria. By the time a child can crawl, he has been blanketed by an enormous, unseen cloud of microorganisms - a hundred trillion or more. (Pass Quotes)
I’ve found out that I cannot pass up pizza without having some. I just can’t! my kids have a lot of pizza. I can’t go to a kid’s birthday party without having a slice. (Pass Quotes)
I am Charles Mingus. Half-black man. Yellow man. Half-yellow. Not even yellow, nor white enough to pass for nothing but black and not too light enough to be called white. (Pass Quotes)
If the churches don’t move, much of the community won’t move. We’ve got a situation in which a black church is still a major institution in the black community where 55 percent of the black folk attend and over 75 pass through its doors. (Pass Quotes)