Pass Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a limbo of the lost through which American males of a certain age and status almost inevitably must pass these days. (Pass Quotes)
Merely quantitative differences, beyond a certain point, pass into qualitative changes (Pass Quotes)
We that change, hate change. And we that pass, love what abides. Ashes, darkness, dust. (Pass Quotes)
Perhaps not all spirits are meant for this world, but they pass through anyway and change for the better those which are. (Pass Quotes)
Most therapists do not appear to know how to pinpoint and reverse therapeutic resistance - to head it off at the pass. Instead, they try to persuade the patient to change, or to do the psychotherapy homework, while the patient resists and ‘yes-butts’ the therapist. The therapist ends up feeling frustrated and resentful, and doing all the work. (Pass Quotes)
The songwriting of Hall and Oates is deceptively complex. There are a number of key changes that pass you by as you’re listening to the song because they’re so seamless and clever. (Pass Quotes)
Big actions, in our system of checks and balances, require approval by Congress and have to pass constitutional muster by the Supreme Court, and some powers are reserved to the states. So this overused czar word is a little misleading. But the things America ought to do should include the following: (Pass Quotes)
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. (Pass Quotes)
I think there’s so much negative influence on children in school settings. It becomes learning by rote to pass a test. It’s not contextualized. (Pass Quotes)
What I’d like to pass on to my children is the thirst for knowledge. It’s something I experience every day that I learned from my father. He always taught me that no matter how long you’ve done something, you can always learn something new and be better at what you do. (Pass Quotes)
Sometimes I think it would be nice to share everything I’ve got with somebody - and sometimes I think I’m very lucky to have the bathroom to myself. But I feel it would be nice to pass on my knowledge. Perhaps because I haven’t got children - one wants to educate somebody. (Pass Quotes)
What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in silence, to be the last of your people to speak your native tongue, to have no way to pass on the wisdom of the elders, to anticipate the promise of the children. This tragic fate is indeed the plight of someone somewhere roughly every two weeks. (Pass Quotes)
I grew up on the South Island of New Zealand, in a city chosen and beloved by my parents for its proximity to the mountains - Christchurch is two hours distant from the worn saddle of Arthur’s Pass, the mountain village that was and is my father’s spiritual touchstone, his chapel and cathedral in the wild. (Pass Quotes)
In the 1940s, traveling for an African was a complicated process. All Africans over the age of sixteen were compelled to carry ‘Native passes’ issued by the Native Affairs Department and were required to show that pass to any white policeman, civil servant, or employer. Failure to do so could mean arrest, trial, a jail sentence or fine. (Pass Quotes)
Whatever education I got was from experience and reading. But I also realize I wouldn’t pass my friend’s sixth-grade class. (Pass Quotes)
Berlin is in a state of transition. There are lots of people who don’t stay here. They pass through. They might not ‘clean up,’ but they mature. It is a city where people spend a significant time in their lives, and then they move on. (Pass Quotes)
When your thinking thoughts pass, you will be in the clear sky of your mind (Pass Quotes)
A clever girl may pass through the phase of foolish miss on the way to sensible woman (Pass Quotes)
Tipping points are so dangerous because if you pass them, the climate is out of humanity’s control: if an ice sheet disintegrates and starts to slide into the ocean there’s nothing we can do about that. (Pass Quotes)
She lost much of her appetite. At night, an invisible hand kept shaking her awake every few hours. Grief was physiological, a disturbance of the blood. Sometimes a whole minute would pass in nameless dread - the bedside clock ticking, the blue moonlight coating the window like glue - before she`d remember the brutal fact that had caused it. (Pass Quotes)
Physical pain was easy. It would always pass in the end. All it needed was time - a ticking clock. (Pass Quotes)
More than the sound of my own beating heart, I miss the sound of a ticking clock. Time passes. It must pass.... (Pass Quotes)
No one’s death comes to pass without making some impression, and those close to the deceased inherit part of the liberated soul and become richer in their humanness. (Pass Quotes)
There’s nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family, a smile as I pass someone on the street. (Pass Quotes)
When you see a close person you know pass in front of your eyes, it’s hard core. After all that, I just wanted to enjoy every day. That was my goal. And to give thanks and to live fully. (Pass Quotes)
What’s the fun in approaching something closed-minded? I’m very specific; if dialogue is too on-the-nose, or there’s a lot of telling and not showing, I’ll talk to my manager and let them know the problems I have with it. But, I always go in with fresh eyes. The first pass just needs to be about figuring out little things here and there. (Pass Quotes)
I wanted to be involved in music and I felt I needed to get in quick. I didn’t want to spend four years in college and then hope for the best. I gave myself a year, which is why I kept pushing people for a chance. I literally felt my whole life was in the balance. Music was my life, and I was scared of having time pass by and missing my chance. (Pass Quotes)
I’ve had a fast track to who I want to be. I know all of my friends are struggling to what to pick in college, and I’ve been given a fast pass to kick start my future. (Pass Quotes)
I am particularly surprised that certain outlets look at pass rates irrespective of student population. As if inner city high school kids are to fare as well as college students. (Pass Quotes)
To this pass Christianity has come There is no God, and Jesus is his son (Pass Quotes)