Pass Quotes

Text Quotes
Money comes and goes. When you pass away it’s about what you’ve done to make this world a better place. (Pass Quotes)
Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life (Pass Quotes)
Any process that fails the Common Sense Test, cannot pass a Biblical Test. Those who have more should share with those who have none or less; not the other way round. Prosperity Gospel is antichrist. (Pass Quotes)
When my relations with the Communist Party gave me the necessary perspective I decided to write my autobiography. I wanted to show how a man can pass from literature held sacred to action which nevertheless remains that of an intellectual. (Pass Quotes)
We pass bills authorizing improvements and grants. But when it comes time to pay for these programs, we’d rather put the country’s money toward tax breaks for the wealthy than for police officers who are protecting our communities. (Pass Quotes)
I hope this book will inspire the kitchen con-artist in you, increase fruit and veggie consumption in your family, and motivate you to become an Accidental Cook. Pass it on! (Pass Quotes)
For most of human civilization, the pace of innovation has been so slow that a generation might pass before a discovery would influence your life, culture or the conduct of nations. (Pass Quotes)
We didn’t pass any constitutional amendments that affected the executive branch while I was governor. (Pass Quotes)
Instead of investing in the goods as they pass between producer and consumer, as the merchant does, the businessman now invests in the processes of industry. (Pass Quotes)
... immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act ... [which] would give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry, and any rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns. (Pass Quotes)
I love everything about books. I love the content, the way they look and even the lovely way they smell. I think a book collection says something about you as a person, and certainly my books are something I’d want to pass on for future generations. (Pass Quotes)
Time plays no favorites and will pass whether you act or not. Take control of your life. Dare to dream and take risks...Compete! If you aren’t willing to work for you goals, don’t expect others to! Believe in yourself. (Pass Quotes)
The elderly have weathered enough squalls to know that this one, too, shall pass. They own the courage to be original; they’ve learned to hold their own values above the conventional wisdom. (Pass Quotes)
If you were to share your workout playlist with the world, I guarantee there’s stuff on there that wouldn’t pass the cool test, and M2 helped in that way. (Pass Quotes)
Liberation from every form of exploitation, the possibility of a more human and dignified life, the creation of a new humankind - all pass through this struggle. (Pass Quotes)
Creative people tend to pass the responsibility for getting down to brass tacks to others (Pass Quotes)
Giving birth is priestess work; it requires a woman to pass through a painful and dangerous initiation in which she journeys to the threshold between worlds and risks her own life to help another soul cross over. (Pass Quotes)
Those who stand at the threshold of life always waiting for the right time to change are like the man who stands at the bank of a river waiting for the water to pass so he can cross on dry land. (Pass Quotes)
I busted my chin open trying to be Evel Knievel on my bike. When it happened, you could see straight through to the bone, I thought my dad was going to pass out. It left a scar that I still have now. (Pass Quotes)
Having culture means we are the only animal that acquires the rules of its daily living from the accumulated knowledge of our ancestors, rather than from the genes they pass to us. (Pass Quotes)
Don’t wait for the storms of your life to pass. Learn to dance in the rain. (Pass Quotes)
How long the thick dark clouds can prevent the truth from shining? The truth is an arrow that can pass through any shield! (Pass Quotes)
A whole new kind of spiritual happiness dawns in us as we realize that dark clouds do not ruin sunny skies... they merely pass through them to help us remember our love of the light. (Pass Quotes)
Although we may encounter dark seasons, when we’re filled with joy we’ll have confident expectations that the sun will soon return and dark clouds will pass. (Pass Quotes)
Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life. (Pass Quotes)
We walk in dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live for the One. We die for the One. -- the Ranger oath (Pass Quotes)
I can pass a drug test in eight days with herbal cleansers. I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day. I’ll be fine. (Pass Quotes)
So we got there at 6 a.m. We’d be shooting by 6:45. We wouldn’t break for lunch, we’d just pass food around all day. And we would just rock and roll ‘til 4, then Matty Libatique, our great cinematographer, would say, ‘Outta light, guys’ - and that was it. (Pass Quotes)
No permanence is ours; we are a waveThat flows to fit whatever form it finds:Through night or day, cathedral or the caveWe pass forever, craving form that binds. (Pass Quotes)
Do you wish the world were happy? Then remember day by day, just to scatter seeds of kindness as you pass along the way. . . . (Pass Quotes)