Pass Quotes

Text Quotes
Broadway is like a club I haven’t been invited to, and I’m hoping that maybe they will give me a guest pass one of these days. (Pass Quotes)
Passover is my idea of a perfect holiday. Dear God, when you’re handing out plagues of darkness, locusts, hail, boils, flies, lice, frogs, and cattle murrain, and turning the Nile to blood and smiting the firstborn, give me a pass. And tell me when it’s over. (Pass Quotes)
A few weeks before the jubilee began in 2002, Queen Elizabeth died, and the public outpouring of grief and affection, with hundreds of thousands of people queuing for hours to pass by her coffin, showed how widely and deeply loved she was. (Pass Quotes)
I pass no judgment about historic events. I defend the human freedoms. Whatever event has taken place throughout history, or hasn’t taken place, I cannot judge that. (Pass Quotes)
Reconciliation cannot be used to pass comprehensive health care reform. It won’t work because it was never designed for that kind of significant legislation; it was designed for deficit reduction. (Pass Quotes)
Are people who have been crazy held to unfair standards?Of course, but it’s not in your best interest to complain. If you’re paranoid and people are looking at you funny it’s best to let it pass. Psychotic people have an uncanny knack for making their own worst dreams come true. Depressing things happen to depressed people way beyond what you would expect from random distribution. (Pass Quotes)
Always look forward and try to push pass the negativity. I think everyone’s beautiful and they deserve to be happy no matter what. (Pass Quotes)
In 1993, as House Democratic Leader, I led the fight to pass the Clinton-Gore economic plan - a plan designed to slash the deficit, invest in education, cut taxes for working families, and ask the wealthy among us to pay their fair share... Not one Republican voted for that plan. They said it was a job killer. (Pass Quotes)
Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness. (Pass Quotes)
Life’s a university that’ll teach you lessons, regardless of your desire to pass the class or not, there is always something else to learn (Pass Quotes)
Do not read to satisfy curiosity or to pass the time, but study such things as move your heart to devotion. (Pass Quotes)
The beauty of fantasy is that it allows the protagonist to pass through fear to come to know this different reality and to find a place in it. (Pass Quotes)
Sometimes when you hire people who have to pass a Mr. Congeniality test, you end up losing some of the non-conformists who will give you different views and perspectives. (Pass Quotes)
There is a phrase in French, which means ‘to miss.’ To pass by. To not be able to stop. You love someone and someone loves you, but it just can’t work for different reasons. (Pass Quotes)
Apocalypse is the eye of a needle, through which we pass into a different world (Pass Quotes)
It’s in the difficult times that we’re growing and you can’t just rebuke everything hard. We’ve got to endure it and fight the good fight of faith and pass the test. (Pass Quotes)
The natural end of an era, as designers whose houses bear their names grow old and pass away, combined with the arrival of digital cameras and Internet exposure, has created a perfect storm. (Pass Quotes)
Use between three and five photos in your gallery. Galleries with more photos are more competitive, but after five they seem to pass a point of saturation and diminishing return. (Pass Quotes)
Every Thanksgiving, we all write down three things we’re thankful for and put them in a hat. Then we pass the hat around the dinner table and everyone has to guess who wrote what! (Pass Quotes)
If you have been given a word from God, you must continue in that direction until it comes to pass (even twenty five years like Abraham). (Pass Quotes)
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do ... let me do it now. (Pass Quotes)
I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore there be any kindness I can show...let me do it now. (Pass Quotes)
It’s a complete lie, why do people buy these papers? It’s not the truth I’m here to say. You know, don’t judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one. I don’t care what the story is, do not judge them because it is a lie. (Pass Quotes)
You know, don’t judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one. (Pass Quotes)
This is going to sound strange, but I really didn’t think I would pass 30. I don’t know why or whatever, I just didn’t. That’s a very weird thing to say, I’m sorry. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I was drinking so much as a youth. (Pass Quotes)
Though President Obama promised during the 2008 campaign to pass the DREAM Act, he never made it a priority and failed to bring Republicans and Democrats together to do it in his first term. (Pass Quotes)
Death is a billion-dollar business. They can’t even pass a law where it takes seven days to get a gun. Why don’t you have to go through the same kind of screening you do to get a driver’s license? It’s totally insane. (Pass Quotes)
I really think we should pass a law in every state, I don’t care whether it takes the independence away from an old person or not. You shouldn’t be driving a car if you’re over the age of 80. Maybe even less than that. (Pass Quotes)
I moved to Cardiff when I was 17 and never needed a car. When I came to L.A. for my first job there, I needed a car, so I had to pass my driving test. (Pass Quotes)
To underestimate one’s thirst, to pass a given landmark to the right or left, to find a dry spring where one looked for running water - there is no help for any of these things. (Pass Quotes)