Pass Quotes

Text Quotes
In the great majority of cases we simply do not know enough about the industry or company to come to sensible judgments-in that situation we pass. (Pass Quotes)
The great majority of men and women, in ordinary times, pass through life without ever contemplating or criticising, as a whole, either their own conditions or those of the world at large. (Pass Quotes)
You can display no greater wisdom than by resisting proposals for needless legislation. It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. (Pass Quotes)
Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. . . . Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, natural gas-you name it-whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers. (Pass Quotes)
The inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind. (Pass Quotes)
You can pass all the gun legislation you want. None of it will make me feel any more or less safe than I do right at this moment. (Pass Quotes)
We are not here to enjoy the things on earth, but to pass them around. The people who do it are the happiest people you know! (Pass Quotes)
Make a mental list of happy thoughts and pass them through your mind several times every day (Pass Quotes)
Too often, we decide to follow a path that is not really our own, one that others have set for us. We forget both cases we will pass through both difficult and happy moments. But when we are living our dream, the difficulties we encounter make sense. (Pass Quotes)
After holding hearings to get input from Missourians, I led the fight to pass legislation that protects seniors from predatory lending in the mortgage industry. I stood up against efforts that would make it harder for seniors to vote, and battled telemarketers bent on defrauding seniors. (Pass Quotes)
Thierry is the best striker in the world. By far he’s the best in the world. Thierry doesn’t just score goals. Even when he’s not having a good day he can make an important pass. He is a strong character. If things go wrong, he bounces straight back. His effect on the club is very big. (Pass Quotes)
I have a gay cousin who came out to my parents before he came out to his own. So I benefited from having a very open, supportive family, and I want to pass that on. (Pass Quotes)
Someone with 4As at A-level from Eton may look good on paper and come across as very smooth, but push a bit more, and often you get the impression they have learned to pass exams rather than think for themselves. (Pass Quotes)
Don’t worry too much if you don’t pass exams, so long as you feel you have understood the subject. It’s amazing what you can get by the ability to reason things out by conventional methods, getting down to the basics of what is happening. (Pass Quotes)
I have to do things for myself, and if those standards are set high, then it’s up to me to pass or fail. (Pass Quotes)
In our system of government, an opposition party doesn’t have the ability to pass legislation, but it has the ability to massively screw things up. (Pass Quotes)
Hospitals are places that you have to stay in for a long time, even if you are a visitor. Time doesn’t seem to pass in the same way in hospitals as it does in other places. Time seems to almost not exist in the same way as it does in other places. (Pass Quotes)
Life is short if you don’t notice it’ll pass you by, That’s why my head is in the clouds trying to pass the sky. (Pass Quotes)
I think that people always say when people pass away that time heals all wounds. And that’s probably the biggest lie. It’s not true. I think we all need to remember that it is always still tough, and it’s like losing a piece of your heart. (Pass Quotes)
All minds are joined. Therefore, all healing is self-healing. Our inner peace will, of itself, pass to others once we accept it for ourselves. (Pass Quotes)
All I’m asking for is the law that’s been on the books for the last 33 years, no public funding for abortion. We are both saying the same thing, pro-life, pro-choice. Let’s find the language that works for both of us so we can pass health care. (Pass Quotes)
And this administration and this House leadership have said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots. (Pass Quotes)
I probably don’t look healthy, but I have never got to the stage where I thought I was going to pass out. (Pass Quotes)
When we breathe it in, soot can interfere with our lungs and increase the risk of asthma attacks, lung cancer and even premature death. The smallest particles can pass into the blood stream and cause heart disease, stroke and reproductive complications. (Pass Quotes)
I’m big on this ‘no budget, no pay.’ I think that’s important. Let’s get right at the heart of the issue. Even when I was in the state legislature, the most important function we had was to pass the bloody budget. (Pass Quotes)