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Passes Quotes

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Learning passes for wisdom among those who want both  (Passes Quotes) Suffering passes, but the fact of having suffered never passes  (Passes Quotes) There is no secret closer than what passes between a man and his horse  (Passes Quotes) Youth passes like a dream  (Passes Quotes) Everything passes, but nothing entirely goes away  (Passes Quotes) The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain  (Passes Quotes) Take everything as it comes; the wave passes, deal with the next one  (Passes Quotes) In moments of crisis, the initiative passes to those who are best prepared  (Passes Quotes) Cynicism is what passes for insight among the mediocre  (Passes Quotes) Life passes into pages if it passes into anything  (Passes Quotes) Love is the doorway through which the human soul passes from selfishness to service  (Passes Quotes) Nothing passes. Everything stays with you. Everything makes it’s mark  (Passes Quotes) Religions... seem to avoid mountain passes  (Passes Quotes) Experiences is just paying attention as time passes  (Passes Quotes) Time passes. That’s for sure  (Passes Quotes) Life passes most people by while they’re making grand plans for it  (Passes Quotes) Isn’t there a curious elegance in how one moment passes into another?  (Passes Quotes) Kundalini is prana as it passes through a human being  (Passes Quotes) Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?  (Passes Quotes) O how quickly passes away the glory of the earth  (Passes Quotes) As the meditation evolves, you attention passes into higher realms of consciousness  (Passes Quotes) In this lifetime you can lose everything. Everything passes here  (Passes Quotes) In egotism, one is assailed by fear, he passes his life totally troubled by fear  (Passes Quotes) The road to creativity passes  (Passes Quotes) As time passes, my story fades away  (Passes Quotes) ... all ugliness passes, and beauty endures, excepting of the skin  (Passes Quotes) The hardest thing for me is the sense of impermanence. All passes; nothing returns  (Passes Quotes) You were in a mood to quarrel. Please inform me once the inclination passes  (Passes Quotes) Time passes by like lightning. Before you know it you’re struck down  (Passes Quotes) Disregard for the consequences and for right and wrong nowadays passes as energy  (Passes Quotes)
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