Passing Quotes

Text Quotes
The perfection of moral character consists in this, in passing every day as the last, and in being neither violently excited nor torpid nor playing the hypocrite. (Passing Quotes)
Watching something being constructed, whether you’re passing a building site or whether you’re watching an artist at work, is fascinating, and I think that’s the enjoyment. (Passing Quotes)
The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We’re all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish. (Passing Quotes)
The one thing you’ll notice when you’re walking through Harlem is every single passing car is playing different music and there’s also music that’s being played out of windows. (Passing Quotes)
Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. (Passing Quotes)
The fight between life and death is to the finish, and death ultimately is the victor . . . I do not deplore the passing of these crude old days. (Passing Quotes)
When I am behind and I am looking ahead and there is that line in front of you, of that guy, of winning and losing, then I really hang it out there and take big risks to make the speed up, and then I’m pretty good at passing. (Passing Quotes)
The dog writhing in the gutter, its back broken by a passing car, knows what it is to be alive. So too with the aged elk of the far north woods, slowly dying in the bitter cold of winter. The asphalt upon which the dog lies knows no pain. The snow upon which the elk has collapsed knows not the cold. But living beings do. (Passing Quotes)
Passing time isn’t a steady thing. People try to measure it, but some days seem to have years packed into them, and others pass in the blink of an eye. Some days matter, and others don’t. (Passing Quotes)
My son, there is no rest for me. That which Sri Ramakrishna called Kali took possession of my body and soul three or four days before his passing away. That makes me work and work and never lets me keep still or look to my personal comfort. (Passing Quotes)
I’ve never been a collector - just a consumer - and these days unless a book is signed to me by another author, I don’t normally have any qualms about passing it to a friend or donating it to the library. (Passing Quotes)
Congress seems to thrive on breaking promises and passing unfunded mandates down to local government. It’s really just a matter of priorities. (Passing Quotes)
I don’t need to break the speed limit. But if I’m not passing other vehicles on the interstate, I get a little irritated. (Passing Quotes)
Success is hastened or delayed by one’s habits. It is not your passing inspirations or brilliant ideas so much as your everyday mental habits that control your life. (Passing Quotes)
So with Easter. It was fun, as a child, to bound down the stairs to find seasonal sweet-treats under each plate, but again, with the passing of time, and the shadow of death over our broken family circle, I’ve seen Easter as highest necessity. If hope is to flourish, it had better be true. (Passing Quotes)
What I like on Kickstarter is when I see real innovation and I see people building something new. It makes me sad when I see things that are just the same technology; you aren’t passing the technology forward. (Passing Quotes)
The priesthood is not dying, but the clerical state is dead. It needs to be buried, preferably with a Viking funeral in Boston Harbor so nobody can miss the spectacle of its passing. (Passing Quotes)
We’ll be passing tax relief for small business owners and working families across the country (Passing Quotes)
I’ve started to think that maybe I wouldn’t mind passing my demented genius on to some small thing who can set fire and breathe profanity. (Passing Quotes)
I think the hardest obstacle I’ve ever had to overcome in my life is the illness and passing of my mother to cancer. (Passing Quotes)
With a character like a Captain Jack, who can essentially set up these verbal land mines around him, and just keep passing the absurdity ball around and the irreverence ball around, and keep people guessing and keep people confused, there’s great safety in that. Me, myself, personally, I learn from it. It’s a real pleasure, and I do need him. (Passing Quotes)
All my life is passing in front of my eyes. The worst part of it is I’m driving a used car. (Passing Quotes)
When I was a kid in Nebraska, a cantankerous farmer, known for plinking with his 22 at passing cars in which he perceived enemies, ingeniously rigged up a shotgun in his house, trained on the inside of his front door so as to widely distribute any intruder. (Passing Quotes)
We have to, in the next ten years, begin to decrease the rate of carbon dioxide emissions and then flatten it out. If that doesn’t happen in ten years, we’re going to be passing certain tipping points. If the ice sheets begin to disintegrate, what can you do about it? You can’t tie a rope around an ice sheet. (Passing Quotes)
I’m not sure it’s a better music world of appreciation and performance. I think the listener is a different guy, and listening is something he does in passing, with other stuff going on. There’s less care and understanding of the relationship between the song and the listener. (Passing Quotes)
I get all excited when I think that someone’s 1-900 sex call from a cell phone might be passing through my body right now. (Passing Quotes)
Generational change within a genre is hard to parse while it’s happening. Only in retrospect can the passing of the baton from ancestors to progeny be clearly discerned. (Passing Quotes)
Jim Longenbach, poet, critic, and my husband, is always passing along life-changing books for me to read. (Passing Quotes)
The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. (Passing Quotes)
I still have faith in people. But that is getting increasingly harder to maintain. I just don’t see many people today choosing love. I see people passing it up a lot. Foreclosing on it, deferring it, sabotaging, letting go. (Passing Quotes)