Passing Quotes

Text Quotes
In a world in which everything is subject to the passing of time, art alone is both subject to time and yet victorious over it (Passing Quotes)
Because beauty consits of it’s own passing, just as we reach for it. It’s the ephemeral configuration of things in the moment, when you can see both their movement and their death (Passing Quotes)
I am old enough to know that time passing is just a trick, a convenience. Everything is always there, still unfolding, still happening. The past, the present, and the future, in the noggin eternally, like brushes, combs and ribbons in a handbag (Passing Quotes)
It was not despair, but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promises broken and unfulfilled. Yet there were other days when she listened, was led on and deceived by fresh promises which her youth had held out to her (Passing Quotes)
My love is unique an none can rival her. Just by passing, she has already stolen away my heart (Passing Quotes)
Beauty consists of its own passing, just as we reach for it. It’s the ephemeral configuration of things in the moment, when you see both their beauty and their death... Does this mean that this is how we must live our lives? Constantly poised between beauty and death, between movement and its disappearance? Maybe that’s what being alive is all about: so we can track down those moments that are dying (Passing Quotes)
The light is no mystery, the mystery is that there is something to keep the light from passing through (Passing Quotes)
I saw my bulky person in the windows of the passing storefronts and wondered, when will that man there find himself to be loved? (Passing Quotes)
In our work, the question is, how much you absorb from others. So for me, creativity, is really like a relay race. As children we are handed a baton. Rather than passing it onto the next generation as is, first we need to digest it and make it our own (Passing Quotes)
History is not our guide, it is not our friend. It is a passing stranger, one which shadows legend, sprinkling it with the seeds of truth (Passing Quotes)
It would be so good to settle down and become part of somewhere again, instead of constantly passing through (Passing Quotes)
You didn’t realize what was passing you by until you slowed down a little bit to get a better look (Passing Quotes)
I lay back and tried not to think of the minutes passing. Just yesterday we had a wealth of them. Now each was a drop of heartsblood lost (Passing Quotes)
So this was a nest of radicals. She thought a hotbed of sedition would involve more gunpowder and secret handshakes, and less shuffling of feet and passing the sugar (Passing Quotes)
Everything on earth is a game. A passing thing. We all end up dead. We all end up the same, don’t we? (Passing Quotes)
This was one of those special occasions when I could actually feel the inner appreciation of the beauty of the moment passing like an electric current through the brush in my hand (Passing Quotes)
The boundaries of democracy have to be widened so as to include economic equality also. This is the great revolution through which we are all passing (Passing Quotes)
You can’t learn anything from saguaro cactus, from ocotillo. They are just passing through; their roots, their much heralded dormancy in the dry season, these are only illusions of permanence. They know even less than you do (Passing Quotes)
Passing is your best weapon against man to man. Dribble penetration is your best weapon against zone (Passing Quotes)
During chemo, you’re more tired than you’ve ever been. It’s like a cloud passing over the sun, and suddenly you’re out. But you also find that you’re stronger than you’ve ever been. You’re clear. Your mortality is at optimal distance, not up so close that it obscures everything else, but close enough to give you depth perception. Previously, it has taken you weeks, months, or years to discover the meaning of an experience. Now it’s instantaneous (Passing Quotes)
Perhaps passing through the gates of death is like passing quietly through the gate in a pasture fence. On the other side, you keep walking, without the need to look back. No shock, no drama, just the lifting of a plank or two in a simple wooden gate in a clearing. Neither pain, nor floods of light, nor great voices, but just the silent crossing of a meadow (Passing Quotes)
The spirit must be felt so intensely that it has power to call others in passing, for it must pass, not stop in the pictures (Passing Quotes)
I sense a scream passing through nature. I painted... the clouds as actual blood. The colour shrieked (Passing Quotes)
The flow of blessings in our life is directly related to our passing blessings along to someone else (Passing Quotes)
The six thousand years of human history form but a portion of the geologic day that is passing over us: they do not extend into the yesterday of the globe, far less touch the myriads of ages spread out beyond (Passing Quotes)
If I could live in a tiny dwelling on a rock in the ocean, surrounded by the waves of the sea and cut off from the sight and sound of everything else, I would still not be free of the cares of this passing world, or from the fear that somehow the love of money might still come and snatch me away (Passing Quotes)
Every single day I want you to be happy and full of joy, just like you make me happy by just passing through my mind (Passing Quotes)
I am the life just passing through. I’m what remains and so are you (Passing Quotes)
The great ideals of liberty and equality are preserved against the assaults of opportunism, the expediency of the passing hour, the erosion of small encroachments, the scorn and derision of those who have no patience with general principles (Passing Quotes)
With each passing year, experimental observations further undermine the claim of a large positive feedback from water. In fact, observations suggest that the feedback is close to zero or may even be negative (Passing Quotes)