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Passions Quotes

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All of life is action and passion, and not to be involved in the actions and passions of your time is to risk having not really lived at all  (Passions Quotes) Music, architecture and pictures have always been my passions, and all that material wealth has meant for me, is being able to have some of the pictures I liked  (Passions Quotes) Left to our own devices and passions, we human beings have a hard time seeing beyond what is immediately in front of us  (Passions Quotes) My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them  (Passions Quotes) The one who has not conquered the passions cannot enter the chaste and pure region of the heart  (Passions Quotes) I see this evident, that we willingly accord to piety only the services that flatter our passions  (Passions Quotes) The passions are the humors of the mind, and the least excess sickens our judgment. If the disease spreads to the mouth, your reputation will be in danger  (Passions Quotes) To commit violent and unjust acts, it is not enough for a government to have the will or even the power; the habits, ideas and passions of the time must lend themselves to their committal  (Passions Quotes) How little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue  (Passions Quotes) Most people didn’t pursue their passions simply because of the promise of a paycheck. They pursued them because they couldn’t imagine doing anything else with their lives  (Passions Quotes) If morality had naturally no influence on human passions and actions, it were in vain to take such pains to inculcate it; and nothing would be more fruitless than that multitude of rules and precepts with which all moralists abound  (Passions Quotes) It is knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of man; that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal  (Passions Quotes) The more veiled becomes the outside world, steadily losing in colour, tone and passions, the more urgently the inner world calls us  (Passions Quotes) I want my words and actions to be the quantification of my love. To make tangible the passions in my heart for the world and the people in it  (Passions Quotes) In a seriously intended intellectual emancipation a person’s mute passions and cravings also hope to find their advantage  (Passions Quotes) Just as bones, tissues, intestines, and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes it possible to bear the sight of a human being, so the agitations and passions of the soul are wrapped up in vanity: it is the soul’s skin  (Passions Quotes) How can anyone become a thinker unless he spends at least a third of every day away from passions, people, and books?  (Passions Quotes) Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps  (Passions Quotes) It is when their age of passions is past that great men produce their masterpieces, just as it is after volcanic eruptions that the soil is most fertile  (Passions Quotes) The philosopher who would fain extinguish his passions resembles the chemist who would like to let his furnace go out  (Passions Quotes) The overman... Who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative. Aware of life’s terrors, he affirms life without resentment  (Passions Quotes) The beauty of some women has days and seasons, depending upon accidents which diminish or increase it; nay, the very passions of the mind naturally improve or impair it, and very often utterly destroy it  (Passions Quotes) Men are often so foolish as to boast and value themselves upon their passions, even those that are most vicious. But envy is a passion so full of cowardice and shame that no one every ever had the confidence to own it  (Passions Quotes) The heart of man ever finds a constant succession of passions, so that the destroying and pulling down of one proves generally tobe nothing else but the production and the setting up of another  (Passions Quotes) The passions of youth are not more dangerous to health than is the lukewarmness of old age  (Passions Quotes) The same strength of character which helps a man resist love, helps to make it more violent and lasting too. People of unsettled minds are always driven about with passions, but never absolutely filled with any  (Passions Quotes) Absence cools moderate passions, and inflames violent ones; just as the wind blows out candles, but kindles fires  (Passions Quotes) The health of the soul is something we can be no more sure of than that of the body; and though a man may seem far from the passions, yet he is in as much danger of falling into them as one in a perfect state of health of having a fit of sickness  (Passions Quotes) It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted  (Passions Quotes) I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their point should operate outwardly than be turned against us  (Passions Quotes)
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