Past Events Quotes
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Text Quotes
We live in reference to past experience and not to future events, however inevitable (Past Events Quotes)
The best predictor of future events is probably past events (Past Events Quotes)
Learn to forgive fully and completely. If you want health, wealth, and happiness, you can’t afford the luxury of lugging around all those unforgiven, unforgotten past events. Let them go. (Past Events Quotes)
Unlike some, I don’t claim to hold the mystic key to the future. But judging from past events, it seems to me that those who want to prophesy the imminent end of America’s unique global role have a harder case to make than those who think we will limp on for a while, making a mess of things as usual (Past Events Quotes)
Emotion only lasts in our bodies for about 90 seconds. After that, the physical reaction dissipates, UNLESS our cognitive brain kicks in and starts connecting our anger with past events (Past Events Quotes)
The best part about winning the PGA is getting great pairings at tour events. Its fun to play with Phil Mickelson and other past major champions (Past Events Quotes)
I’m fascinated about how past events shape our perception of current events and how they make us the people we are. (Past Events Quotes)
I especially object to having my character assassinated by reference to events from my past which bear absolutely no relationship to the question of who the anthrax killer is. (Past Events Quotes)
You read so much about the healing power of memoir, but you don’t read about the wounding power it has first. The recollection of past events is not, in and of itself, therapeutic. (Past Events Quotes)
Forgive and call back the energy wasted on past events (Past Events Quotes)
Reality is not a function of the event as event, but of the relationship of that event to past, and future, events (Past Events Quotes)
We know the past and its great events, the present in its multitudinous complications, chiefly through faith in the testimony of others (Past Events Quotes)
History is not the accumulation of events of every kind which happened in the past. It is the science of human societies (Past Events Quotes)
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter (Past Events Quotes)
While no one can change events that occurred in the past, everyone can change attitudes and beliefs about them (Past Events Quotes)
Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events (Past Events Quotes)
History, as the study of the past, makes the coherence of what happened comprehensible by reducing events to a dramatic pattern and seeming them in a simple form (Past Events Quotes)
Old events have modern meanings; only that survives of past history which finds kindred in all hearts and lives (Past Events Quotes)
History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon (Past Events Quotes)
We must act to shape and mold the future, and leave our imprint on events as they slip past into history (Past Events Quotes)
I’m not someone who dwells upon past events, taking the view that life is too short (Past Events Quotes)
Among intellectual pursuits, one of the most useful is the recording of past events (Past Events Quotes)
It is still open for me, as well as you, to regulate my behavior, by my experience of past events (Past Events Quotes)
Historical investigation has for its aim to fix the order and character of events throughout past time and in all places. The task is frankly superhuman (Past Events Quotes)
No other species lives with regret over past events, or makes deliberate plans for future ones (Past Events Quotes)
I fell victim to the temptation of every autobiographer, to the illusion that since the past exists only in one’s memories and the words which strive vainly to encapsulate them, it is possible to create past events simply by saying they occurred (Past Events Quotes)
Honestly, I spend very little time thinking about past events, and I certainly don’t have them ranked in any way. I look back and think that I have done a lot of good work over the years, but I am much more excited about what the future holds (Past Events Quotes)
For historians, hindsight can be a treacherous ally. Enabling us to trace the hidden patterns of past events, it beguiles us with the mirage of inevitability, the assumption that different outcomes lay beyond the limits of the possible (Past Events Quotes)
The difference between writing a story and simply relating past events is that a story, in order to be acceptable, must have shape and meaning. It is the old idea that art is the bringing of order out of chaos (Past Events Quotes)
That’s the great danger of sectarian opinions, they always accept the formulas of past events as useful for the measurement of future events and they never are, if you have high standards of accuracy (Past Events Quotes)
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