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Pastiche Quotes

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I dislike pastiche; it attracts attention to the language only  (Pastiche Quotes) I think, with abstraction, it’s easy to fall into a sort of pastiche  (Pastiche Quotes) I guess I have no motivation to make an abstract painting, even if they sometimes read as abstract. I think, with abstraction, it’s easy to fall into a sort of pastiche  (Pastiche Quotes) I was a good college kid, all-American and baseball-playing, living in the dorms with a million barbarians. I did not expect to be claimed by Fitzgerald hook, line, and sinker. ‘This Side of Paradise’ - that sweet, sophomoric pastiche of notes, scenes, poetry, and plays - I felt like he’d written the book just for me.  (Pastiche Quotes) I want my buildings to take root and look as if they’ve always been there. It isn’t about pastiche or adapting what’s already there. It’s about trying to blend the future and the past.  (Pastiche Quotes) I’m an English songwriter/composer, working in Mandarin and trying to find something about Chinese culture that I really relate to and respect and feel some genuine emotions for - and it’s quite hard, the pentatonic scale, and that, in a way, is why I think it works. Because I’m forced to limit myself to quite strict rules about what I did. Maybe that’s how I avoided pastiche.  (Pastiche Quotes) When people ask, Is there any advice you’d give a young writer?, I say write short stories. They afford lots of failure. Pastiche is a great way to start.  (Pastiche Quotes)