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Patio Quotes

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I was three over. One over a house, one over a patio, and one over a swimming pool  (Patio Quotes) We must not put pressure on people, but by providing information on the population and the environments, and appropriate contraception for everyone... doctors should help bring family size into the arena of environmental ethics, analogous to avoiding patio heaters and high carbon cars  (Patio Quotes) It is by acts, and not by ideas, that people ensure the bar down the street cannot have a patio  (Patio Quotes) No: What the heck happened? Or: Why did you go from nearly kissing me to tossing me across your yard and into the patio furniture?  (Patio Quotes) And the sad notes floated out to the patio and hung in the trees like birds too tired to fly  (Patio Quotes) It seemed funny that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset  (Patio Quotes) We must not put pressure on people, but by providing information on the population and the environments, and appropriate contraception for everyone...doctors should help bring family size into the arena of environmental ethics, analogous to avoiding patio heaters and high carbon cars.  (Patio Quotes)