Patrick Rothfuss Quotes

Text Quotes
We all become what we pretend to be (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
You may have heard of me (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
There are few things as nauseating as pure obedience (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Feel free to call me by my first name: Master (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Pride is always a better lever against the nobility than reason (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
The desire for knowledge shapes a man (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Small facts lead to great knowing (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
It was more exciting when I didn’t know I had permission (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
I learned to love the feel of good words (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Why would I want to win anything other than a beautiful game? (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
My shrug was so nonchalant it would make a cat jealous (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
The best lies about me are the ones I told (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
But sometimes the best help a person can find is helping someone else (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. This is rare and pure and perfect (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
But how awful would that be? How terrible to live surrounded by the stark, sharp, hollowness of things that simply were enough? (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
I can sell anything to anyone. That is actually my superpower. I am really good at negotiating and persuading (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Fantasy is my favorite genre for reading and writing. We have more options than anyone else, and the best props and special effects. That means if you want to write a fantasy story with Norse gods, sentient robots, and telepathic dinosaurs, you can do just that. Want to throw in a vampire and a lesbian unicorn while you’re at it? Go ahead (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
When the hearthfire turns to blue, what to do? what to do? run outside, run and hide when his eyes are black as crow? where to go? where to go? near and far. Here they are. see a man without a face? move like ghosts from place to place. whats their plan? whats their plan? Chandrian. Chandrian (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Do you know what it’s like to run spellcheck for six hours? It’s like a party in purgatory. A party in purgatory where all they have to drink is sugar-free Kool-aid, and the only game to play is Monopoly, and none of your friends show up (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
No hard feelings about that time in the Crucible when you mixed my salts and I was nearly blind for a day. No. No, really, drink up! (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
One of them had a large wooden sign nailed to its door proclaiming, NO SYMPATHY! I wondered what non-arcane visitors might think of the warning (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
If I seem to wander, if I seem to stray, remember that true stories seldom take the straightest way (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Now it’s virtually impossible to write a game that successfully provides challenge and frustration, and that’s a shame. We are going to lose something that makes scientists, that makes doers, that makes hard-minded, witty, clever people, and I worry that those people aren’t being made these days (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
Reading can almost be viewed as empathy training. Movies have better action scenes, sure. But books are uniquely suited to showing you the inside of another person’s head. That is the root of empathy. That’s the first step to understanding you’re not alone in the world (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
I think authors are just realizing there’s no real reason to feel limited to a narrow set of genre rules in their writing. There’s no reason a mystery novel can’t have fantastic elements in it. Similarly, there’s no reason why your epic fantasy series can’t have elements of a mystery (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
It’s not prowess if you watch 5 hours of TV a day. It’s just how you choose to spend your time (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
And if Hollywood has taught us anything, it’s that cool props and special effects are not enough. Story comes first. Everything depends on story (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
You can have an interesting story about a person living an interesting life. And if it’s done well, that is just as engaging as the end of the world. A million people dying - we can’t process. One person, we can process (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
My mom once lost track of me at the zoo and when she found me I was lecturing a man about the difference between dromedary and Bactrian camels. I was about 3 1/2 (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)
I’ve got an idea for a modern day faerie tale that I think would made a great short novel. But I just don’t have the time to work on it right now. I’m way too busy with the ‘Kingkiller Chronicles’ and being a new dad (Patrick Rothfuss Quotes)