Paul Kengor Quotes

Text Quotes
Freedom cannot exist alone (Paul Kengor Quotes)
Throughout American history our presidents have invoked our nation’s founding fathers. This is particularly true of recent presidents. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
You would hope that the supposed best of American educational institutions would teach its students about America as an institution. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
Learning is a good thing, but unless it’s tempered by faith and a love of freedom, it can be very dangerous indeed. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
[ Alexis de] Tocqueville said it in 1835, and it’s as true today as it was then: ‘Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot. Religion is more needed in democratic societies than in any other.’ (Paul Kengor Quotes)
[John] McCain references favorite presidents like Teddy Roosevelt. Hillary cited Eleanor Roosevelt. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
Colleges need learning, faith, and freedom. Each reinforces the others, each makes the others possible. For what are they without each other? (Paul Kengor Quotes)
Speaking of [Ronald] Reagan on the faith of the founders, he was particularly fond of George Washington, who he cited nearly 200 times, and almost twice as much as all the presidents since [John F.]Kennedy combined. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
Frankly, neither president [Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter] was an inspiring figure; so, maybe their lack of inspiration by the founders shouldn’t surprise us. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
[Gerald] Ford and [Jimmy] Carter, in fact, were huge disappointments to me. Think about this: They were the presidents around the time of America’s historic bicentennial, and yet rarely quoted the founders. (Paul Kengor Quotes)
In the middle of Hillary Clinton’s push for national healthcare in 1993, Bill Clinton cited Thomas Jefferson’s concern for health issues as, somehow, apparently indicative of a need for federal management of the nation’s healthcare system. (Paul Kengor Quotes)